Jail time for AOC? Could Happen – IOTW Report

Jail time for AOC? Could Happen


  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a top aide appear to control an outside PAC credited with being the central force behind her June 2018 primary victory.
  • One former Federal Election Commission member thinks there would be a “serious investigation” if a complaint were filed, noting that the probe could potentially result in civil penalties or even jail time for Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff.
  • A second former commissioner said there were possibly “multiple violations of federal campaign finance law.”
  • Justice Democrats ran campaigns for Ocasio-Cortez and 11 other Democrats, but the New York Democrat was the only one to win her general election.

30 Comments on Jail time for AOC? Could Happen

  1. Obama also had campaign finance violations and paid a big fine but no one knows that . Only republicans get smeared endlessly and only Trump gets what probably will be a decade long investigation to find or manufacture campaign finance violations.

  2. No on in the UNIPARTY will ever go to jail!
    UNIPARTY has been protecting its own for 18 years, and done very well. Doubt me – ask what GWB did to Sandy!

    UNIPARTY rules!

  3. There is the law, and then there is legal reality.
    Everyone needs to realize there is a big difference between them, that they often seem to be unrelated to each other.

    Everything makes more sense once you come to this realization.

  4. Yes, The Walls Are Closing In on Sandy lol.

    Well, maybe not her. I think Sailcat Chakabooty is going to take the fall for her. Although it would be great to watch these two Marxists flipping on each other.

  5. Bad_Brad March 5, 2019 at 7:34 am

    Yep. Pelosi will see to it.

    I hope you’re right. The left never takes their own out, but I see OAC as a real threat to them. Funny how they thought Trump was their enemy until this bartender and Taco Bell worker came on the scene.

  6. Let me know when those “could” “should” “would” “possibly” words turn into reality. I don’t think she’s that much of a threat to the democrat party when every major dem prez candidate endorses her crazy ideas. She “could” “possibly” be a deep swamp founder/member/leader/new Pelosi.

  7. The future of AOC is obvious…
    This fruitcake bullsh!t artist is a Useful Idiot to attract Millennials to the 2020 Election.

    Come 2021, she’ll be corralled like the rabid donkey she resembles.

  8. “No Enemies on the Left”
    Rep. Ocasio-Cortez has thrown the socialists’ cards on the table – face up – exposing the rotten core of the Demonrat Party.
    The fact that a socialist (Bernie Sanders) ran for the Demonrat nomination, and is running again, seems to be lost on the morons who disingenuously call themselves “Demonrats.” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is shoving it in the faces of even the more corrupt and mendacious propaganda outlets.
    She may be chastised (with words, not whips), but will suffer no irreparable harm. Or, they may decide that an open declaration of Treason is necessary to achieve dominance.
    It’s all hazy and confused.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The FEC is a paper tiger, filled with political establishment appointees of both parties to complete the charade of fair and equal elections.

    Another bullshit agency to give the “appearance” of lawfulness and hundreds of federal patronage jobs to be filled by political parties.

  10. “Obama also had campaign finance violations and paid a big fine but no one knows that . Only republicans get smeared endlessly and only Trump gets what probably will be a decade long investigation to find or manufacture campaign finance violations…”

    The reason only Republicans get smeared is because the Republican party is corrupt, and in league with the Democrat party. Notice that rinos never get smeared! (Think mccain, ryan – and most of all, that corrupt POS mcconnell.)

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