Jailhouse Convos of an Accused Murderer – Caution, You Cannot Unhear This – IOTW Report

Jailhouse Convos of an Accused Murderer – Caution, You Cannot Unhear This

The guy should be put to death for the convos. You’ve been warned. (And it’s not what you think.)

8 Comments on Jailhouse Convos of an Accused Murderer – Caution, You Cannot Unhear This

  1. That guy sure seemed a bit smug on the stand for someone who was innocent. I have read and seen videos that have said that when a suspect in a murder is in an interrogation room, if he falls asleep when left alone that is a sure sign that he is guilty because his conscience is at ease. An innocent person would be scared to death. I could understand if this guy acted scared or angry, but to be that cocky? He just thought he was better than everyone else and that stupid prosecutor sure wasn’t going to convict him!

    Sometimes prosecutors save their best for last. Back in the ‘40’s, my father was an MP in Washington DC. A soldier was arrested (by my father and his partner) for armed robbery. Since it was a civilian offense, there was a trial in a civilian court. The prosecutor was a woman, unusual for the time. Throughout the trial she didn’t seemed to do much and my father was not impressed. Then came the closing arguments. She hit a grand slam. My father was very impress and the guy was convicted.


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