Jake Fapper Questions Patriotism of Double Amputee War Veteran – IOTW Report

Jake Fapper Questions Patriotism of Double Amputee War Veteran

18 Comments on Jake Fapper Questions Patriotism of Double Amputee War Veteran

  1. It’s Jake from Snake Farm. What a vulgar little man who slithers across the ground.

    Thank you Brian Mast for your service and sacrifice for our country–too bad we are in the crapper.

  2. The Left has officially reached the “Psycho Ex-Girlfriend” level of mental illness. Remember that Trump used to be a Democrat, and used to socialize with a lot of the people gunning for him now. Then he switched parties and became the Anti-Christ (in their eyes, at least), and he’s living with what you go through when you finally work up the nerve to break up with the cloyingly sweet faux lovey-dovey controlling bitch you’ve been dating but just can’t imagine spending the rest of your life with. She’s stalking you everywhere (work, home, school, etc.), she’s talking shit about you to everyone (her friends, your friends, strangers on the bus, in the checkout line, in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, etc.). Then you come out one morning to find that not only has she keyed your car, but she’s slashed the tires, smashed out the windows, and stuffed a burning rag in the gas tank. But you TOTALLY deserved it and don’t you DARE call HER crazy.

  3. Sucks to be losing the airports, doesn’t it, Jake? Say, aren’t you the guy who’s always outraged about the mean things Trump tweets? Anyhow, you’d better get back to your DM’s. I bet you’re really busy with the damage control there. Carry on.

  4. I was in the ABC booth at the Capitol, I don’t remember which side. I never could remember what was what in that place. It’s the kind of shithole that engenders nightmares of “The Place You Can Not Escape”.

    Anyway, I was in some ABC Booth with Tapper, and Zack Wolf, and I was there to fix something. Tapper was “on” the telephone and a different telephone rang. Zack said, “It’s for you, Jake…”

    Tapper said, “Can’t you see I’m on the fucking telephone?”

    I would have crammed the receiver down Tapper’s throat. But Zack, who I thought was a human being at the time, said nothing and hung up the receiver.

    It turns out Zack is a cunt, too. They are all cunts.

    But Zack was a good guy then. At least I was convinced of it.

    I wonder how much of it is acting.

  5. Pigs like him working in the mainstream media have never actually been reporters. They are agents tasked with circulating and then re-enforcing the lies regurgitated by the democrat leadership.
    It hasn’t anything to do with actually informing people of events or convincing any new listeners, just in keeping the same dimwits stirred up and angry.


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