James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud – IOTW Report

James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud


WASHINGTON — A former business associate of James Biden has agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to defraud Medicare of $51 million through a lab-testing company linked to the first brother.

Keaton Langston, 39, admitted to using pharmacies, durable medical equipment companies and a laboratory in which he had a financial interest to bill for unnecessary tests and orders, the Justice Department disclosed last week in court filings.

James Biden, 75, has not been accused of criminal wrongdoing and has sought to distance himself from Langston, whose father Joey Langston also was associated with the first brother.

Keaton Langston founded Fountain Health, a lab company, in May 2017 and offered its services to rural hospital operator Americore Health, which later went bankrupt. more

10 Comments on James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud

  1. Grifters, parasites, thieves, pervs, druggies and locusts… that the Biden family in six words! (not that Joe can count that high: remember, “JOBS” iz a three letter word)

  2. “Keaton Langston, 39, admitted to using pharmacies, durable medical equipment companies and a laboratory in which he had a financial interest to bill for unnecessary tests and orders…”

    …every single Coof test was unnecessary.

    Every single order for the Jab was unnecessary.

    Every ventilator purchased from ardent Biden supporters, including industries that never made ventilators before or since, was pointless and harmful durable medical equipment.

    Not saying Buster Keaton here isnt a fraud and a charlatain,

    Just saying hes where the prosecutions should START, not END…

  3. Bob Menendez’ biggest contributor was Dr. Salomon Melgen, who was sent to prison for defrauding Medicaid for millions with phony billings. Menendez used his private jet to fly to Epstein Island where he could cavort with very young girls. Of course, nothing happened to him.


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