James Clyburn Wants Older Blacks to Get Their Offspring Back on the Democrat Plantation – IOTW Report

James Clyburn Wants Older Blacks to Get Their Offspring Back on the Democrat Plantation


There’s almost certainly no member of Congress more responsible for President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020 than South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn. And as polls show Biden struggling with Black voters — specifically, younger Black voters — Clyburn has a new message for his generation: It’s time for Black elders to have a chat with the younger branches of the family.

“They should try and talk some sense into their children,” Clyburn told NOTUS in an interview this week, following a series of Biden campaign events in Georgia that he headlined over the weekend. More

h/t CTH

10 Comments on James Clyburn Wants Older Blacks to Get Their Offspring Back on the Democrat Plantation

  1. He’s a race hustling bitch. He’s seen the other side. Why would he want to keep “his people” strapped in financial chains? I think it was Elon Musk who once said, any drug dealer has more business sense than anything coming out of a university with a business degree. Which I personally totally agree with. Pretty hard to rise up when political leaders you should be able to trust keep throwing the chains back on.

  2. @ Brad FRIDAY, 28 JUNE 2024, 21:27 AT 9:27 PM

    A black friend and I had a discussion regarding my observation that none of the local black political leaders arose organically from their own community.

    Leaders who do arise organically are either co-opted by the Democrat machine or they will be shut out by the Democrats allies in the media and supplanted by a Democrat loyalist.

    He agreed emphatically and said that once I brought the topic up that looking back he has witnessed just that. Like everything Democrats touch, they are only exploiting disadvantaged or vulnerable populations to advance their own agenda.

  3. “Clyburn added that if Black voters go to the ballot box believing Trump’s rhetoric, a second Trump presidency would be imminent. “We may be back into Jim Crow again,” he said.”

    This ass-hat was alive during Jim Crow, and he knows damn well that it wasn’t because of Republicans.

  4. Well, he’s only following tradition.

    Negroes were sold to the Portuguese and Arabs by the Negroes who conquered them (the sold Negroes).

    Clyburn (obviously) believes that once bought, stay bought – unlike the more prominent race-hustlers and poverty-pimps who would sell their mothers for a bowl of rice (or a plate of chicken and biscuits).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Interesting. It’s bad if Republican/Conservative husbands convince their wives to vote a certain way. It’s okay if older blacks convince their children to vote a certain way (one that will keep them enslaved to the demoncrat way of life forever).

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