James Comer: ‘There Was Never Any Evidence’ That Ukraine Prosecutor Biden Had Fired Was Corrupt – IOTW Report

James Comer: ‘There Was Never Any Evidence’ That Ukraine Prosecutor Biden Had Fired Was Corrupt


Newly unearthed government documents from the Obama era thoroughly debunk Joe Biden’s repeated claims that former Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had to be fired because he was corrupt. The memos reveal that Biden likely acted alone and counter to US policy when he threatened in December 2015 to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees for Ukraine in exchange for Shokin’s ouster.

“There was never any evidence that Shokin was corrupt,” declared House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) Wednesday.

In fact, in the weeks leading up to Biden’s December 2015 visit to Kyiv, multiple Obama officials said they were “impressed” with the “progress” Shokin’s office had made in rooting out corruption. MORE

8 Comments on James Comer: ‘There Was Never Any Evidence’ That Ukraine Prosecutor Biden Had Fired Was Corrupt

  1. That’s one of the ‘neat’ parts about having a puppet,
    you can always stand behind the curtain and dismiss whatever your ‘puppet’ said or did.

    A VERY classic stance of ‘Obama’ ever since he took office and… sadly still holds office.

  2. No one ever brings up the this fact…. irrelevant on whether he was corrupt or not, Biden admitted to nothing short of extortion by threatening to withhold money to do what he wanted

  3. “.. “impressed” with the “progress” Shokin’s office had made in rooting out corruption.” hence he had to be stopped! Otherwise the laundry business would be upset… FFS!

  4. Does it even matter anymore? We know what they did. They know that we know what they did. Hunter apparently wasn’t smart enough to hide it. Joey B. continued to deposit his cuts and even bragged about doing it

    Still walkinng, talking, jinking, jabbing, lying, and acting righteous and all shit. Claiming legitimate elections and “truth, justice, and climate change” actions are good for the country.

    When will it stop? Will real justice and actual truth prevail?

    Nope, it’s obsolete just like America is becoming.


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