James Comey And His Memos Are Under Investigation – IOTW Report

James Comey And His Memos Are Under Investigation

The Conservative Treehouse picked up an a slight slip by former Attorney General Matt Whitaker to conclude that the former FBI director James Comey is being investigated for FISA abuse by U.S. Attorney John Huber after all. More – with Whitaker interview

8 Comments on James Comey And His Memos Are Under Investigation

  1. Great graphic! (But Comey’s pecker’s too big.)

    Add this to Joe diGenova’s very specifi assertion yesterday that there would be a release of currently classified docs on Wednesday, and I’m tempted to think about considering the possibility of getting my far too often dashed hopes up.

  2. …maybe we should start calling him Iago. It’s Spanish for “James” so it appeals to the Democrat’s CURRENT preferred base of illegals, and is ALSO the name of a character in the Shakespeare drama (and Lord, don’t Democrats love drama) “Otello”. THAT Iago is the treacherous servant of an easily misled Black Muslim (sound familiar?) who caused MOST of the problem from the shadows by duping others.

    Not a perfect fit because Otello was actually a fine warrior which Barky was NOT, and “Michelle” DAMN sure ain’t no Desdemona, and the Moor was the LAST guy in our case and our Iago wants to take out the CURRENT one, but I think the Comey simile of a man who wants to wreck a national hero out of concealed, unwarranted hatred and spite is fairly apt..

  3. So, when would be the best time to charge Comey & Co., before or after the election?

    I’m hoping the wheels of justice are indeed turning slowly in preparation for an exceedingly fine grind. In the process the nation needs to be prepared for the crimes these traitors committed, so no democrat will venture a defense on their behalf when the indictments come.

  4. According to Joe DiGenova documents will begin getting released wed. He also said that there was a grand jury impaneled.
    Got that on CTH yesterday, hope it’s true. We could stand all the good news we can get.


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