James Comey, Outstanding In His Field – IOTW Report

James Comey, Outstanding In His Field

Disgraced former FBI director, James Comey has been tweeting from early caucus state Iowa lately, causing some to fear he’s considering a 2020 run for president. Here

While his prospects for becoming defender of the free world are extremely unlikely, his real legacy will be that of attempting to give cover to expected-president Hillary Clinton from charges of benefiting from a rigged FBI investigation. Here

20 Comments on James Comey, Outstanding In His Field

  1. Idiot was formerly a legal and psychiatric category of profound intellectual disability, where a person’s mental age is two years or less, and he or she cannot guard himself or herself against common physical dangers. Wikipedia

  2. James Traficant wanted to be jailed in Ohio so he could campaign to get back his House seat… I don’t see why Comey can’t campaign for president from his cell in a federal prison, do you?

  3. comey and strozk both committed the same crime (unlawful transmission of restricted documents via private email) that they were investigating clinton for. And so did obama, No wonder they covered for her. What does horowitz get for his part?
    No bias there, nope, not even a smidgeon.
    How is that even minutely tolerated?
    Hang the bastard.

  4. He probably heard about the sweet deal for sitting presidents not getting prosecuted and figures he’ll be able to wait out the statues of limitations in the WH.

  5. For what it’s worth: On page 343 of the I.G. Report Comey states “I am sure
    I was influenced by the tacit assumption that Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next President.”
    He was sure she was going to be his boss.


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