James Got Fingered – IOTW Report

James Got Fingered

James Meyers was pulled over while driving his daughter to school. He had a tail-light out.

The officer ran his plates and came back to the car with some bad news. He was under arrest.

This is something you do not want to tell your cellmates about when they ask, “whatchu in for?”

“The officer said, ‘I don’t know how to tell you this but there’s a warrant out for your arrest from 2002. Apparently you rented the movie “Freddy Got Fingered” and never returned it.’

“I thought he was joking,” said Meyers. Meyers said the officers were very polite and professional. They let him take his daughter to school and go to work as long as he promised to turn himself into the police department later that day. Meyers said he thought everything would get straightened out at the department. He was surprised when officers arrested him and then took him to the magistrate’s office. “For the first time I got put in handcuffs,” said Meyers.

14 Comments on James Got Fingered

  1. ………….because they have nothing better to do…..

    ……or because you’re less likely to shoot……

    …………or because video rental theft is an extremely vicious crime that needs to be addressed RIGHT NOW……fourteen years later…..

    ………i dunno, wadda you think?

  2. The entire time I would have answered each and every one of their damn questions with, “Daddy, I would like some sausages! Sausages just for you!”

    These are the types of cops that deserve to be labelled as killers.

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