James Woods Has a Question About This Soros/McCain picture – IOTW Report

James Woods Has a Question About This Soros/McCain picture

Also, from his timeline-

I am a McCain Republican.

27 Comments on James Woods Has a Question About This Soros/McCain picture

  1. Mcstain needs to be prosecuted for his part in the fake dossier. If we had an AG that could pull his head out of his ass it would have already happened. Judging by Trumps new staff members of late he’s preparing to go to war. Sure would be nice if he could count on his AG.

  2. Swang, McShitstain crashed 5 aircraft including a crash landing on a carrier that killed many sailors. He was a POW that had a controversial
    and disputed tenure in Hanoi.

    One thing that is indisputable however, is that he has been a complete piece of shit for the last 40 years here at home, he is controlled by Soros and the saudi scum, and he has FUCKED the American people with his two faced lies.

    So dont feel bad. Hes a scumbag. His time in the POW camp has not balanced the scales to green light what apiece of shit he has been here at home. FUCK HIM.

  3. Well Johnny Boy, the last laugh will be when Trump, as President, gets to offer condolences at your demise. He will continue with MAGA whilst you putrefy. Enjoy what comes.

  4. McCain’s life will be remembered as a tragedy, but he, not as a hero. A self-indulgent lowlife flyboy who succumbed to vanity, arrogance, and the demented evils of self-haters, like the Soros clan. Is he McCain or Macbeth?

  5. He was using a new multi rocket firing pod. That misfired and he shot himself down, he was flying a single seat aircraft, Douglas A4 Skyhawk. There are other stories that may diverge.

  6. It has to be karma the McInsane and Kennedy both have the same brain cancer and will die an agonizing death- BWWWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Now only if Soros gets it.

  7. I suspect that Murkowski was promised the Soros money that has bought McCain’s treason – to the US.
    After all, someone will need to replace him . . . .

    I am an Arizona resident, and voted for McCain in the end; as any D is as bad as another. They do what they are told. Destroy this country? Roger that!

    I did vote for his 2016 primary opponent (Dr. Kelli Ward), who recently “stepped up to the plate” a bit early wrt replacing McCain. BTW: Perhaps you noticed that Flake didn’t flake out?

  8. The Murkowsk family is a dynasty in Alaska. Just ask Palin. Two many dirt bags per square mile that want free shit. Where’s that independent pioneer spirit. I guess it stopped with those free cell phones.

  9. DrTSPC

    The wifes has a lot of relatives in AZ. Mcshitheads district to be exact. She has one sister that is a LIB (when it’s convenient). All the rest are conservative and did not vote for Mcshithead. The Lib defends Mcshithead like no other. I’m thinking that’s how he keeps getting reelected. Libs love crash.

  10. I’d like to see both the real classified Navy file on McCain’s time in Hanoi as well as the North Vietnamese (actually the Vietnamese) file on his time. I’d bet it would make for interesting and surprising reading. Hell, somebody ought to whisper to him on his deathbed that the files have been released to the public. That ought to send him on his journey with a kick in the ass.

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