Jamie Lee Curtis Deletes Social Media Post After People Notice a Photo She Has on Her Wall – IOTW Report

Jamie Lee Curtis Deletes Social Media Post After People Notice a Photo She Has on Her Wall

ht/ jd hasty

19 Comments on Jamie Lee Curtis Deletes Social Media Post After People Notice a Photo She Has on Her Wall

  1. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was done by Marina Abromovic or Kim Noble. They have sold much of their “art” to politicians and celebrities. Nobles paintings are downright sick as f***, but claiming several personalities seems to give her a pass.

  2. I know kids do some silly things, I have pictures of mine when they were little doing some silly things. Once my son got into a pet taxi and when I asked him what he was doing, “he said I’m the puppy in the window.” He was 3 at the time. I did take a picture of it to laugh at him later, but it never hung on my wall, it’s in my family photo albums.

    That looks beyond creepy, it looks like a naked dead child folded into a box.

  3. Imagine if a normal person had a cop friend who was to see that picture on the “office” wall. Said person would probably be arrested & the cops would start looking for missing children in a 500 mile radius. But, because Jamie Lee Curtis is a democrat fucktard who toes the line, what’s the big deal? Shitty actress, as well.

  4. That picture is the norm for the Hollywierd “community”. Jamie Curtis, who has a trans daughter (born male) and her dad Tony Curtis was gay, is shocked to know what she thinks is normal is considered perverted by the majority of audiences who watch her films.
    She’s so entrenched in a progressive leftist mindset, it will never dawn on her, that her lifestyle is twisted and deviant.

  5. This reminds me of Tony Podesta – John’s brother, and his style of decorating. Very similarly disgusting child victims as “art”. These leftists are just so effed up they invite God’s judgements and they will be forthcoming. Maranatha Lord.


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