Jamie Shupe- I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham. – IOTW Report

Jamie Shupe- I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham.

The Daily Signal-

Three years ago, I decided that I was neither male nor female, but nonbinary—and made headlines after an Oregon judge agreed to let me identify as a third sex, not male or female.

Now, I want to live again as the man that I am.

After convincing myself that I was a woman during a severe mental health crisis, I visited a licensed nurse practitioner in early 2013 and asked for a hormone prescription. “If you don’t give me the drugs, I’ll buy them off the internet,” I threatened.

Although she’d never met me before, the nurse phoned in a prescription for 2 mg of oral estrogen and 200 mg of Spironolactone that very same day.

The nurse practitioner ignored that I have chronic post-traumatic stress disorder, having previously served in the military for almost 18 years. All of my doctors agree on that. Others believe that I have bipolar disorder and possibly borderline personality disorder.

I should have been stopped, but out-of-control, transgender activism had made the nurse practitioner too scared to say no.

Medical Malpractice

The best thing that could have happened would have been for someone to order intensive therapy. That would have protected me from my inclination to cross-dress and my risky sexual transgressions, of which there were many.

Instead, quacks in the medical community hid me in the women’s bathroom with people’s wives and daughters. “Your gender identity is female,” these alleged professionals said.

The medical community is so afraid of the trans community that they’re now afraid to give someone Blanchard’s diagnosis. Trans men are winning in medicine, and they’ve won the battle for language.

Think of the word “transvestite.” They’ve succeeded in making it a vulgar word, even though it just means men dressing like women. People are no longer allowed to tell the truth about men like me. Everyone now has to call us transgender instead.


21 Comments on Jamie Shupe- I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham.

  1. I met her in a club down in North Soho
    Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola
    C-O-L-A cola
    She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
    I asked her name and in a dark brown voice she said, “Lola”
    L-O-L-A Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
    Well, I’m not the world’s most physical guy
    But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
    Oh my Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
    Well, I’m not dumb but I can’t understand
    Why she walk like a woman and talk like a man
    Oh my Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola

  2. This whole scam was foisted on us by Obama.
    Obama hated normal America.
    The Left hates American institutions.
    And now all us normal Americans are left suffering in the weirdness of it all.

  3. Last night I had a crazy dream about a dude in a black bikini..

    Oh, (s)he looked so good
    (S)he couldn’t be real
    (S)he must be a magic genie
    But then (s)he disappeared around the corner
    All I saw were three doors
    And the top of he(r) bikini
    I made it through the first door
    There was a party going on
    I asked about the chick
    But what they said was freaky

    So now we find out we’ve all been to that party?

  4. Wow.

    That article was a dizzying ride through the kaleidoscoped mind of an extremely fucked up person. Although it claims to have gone full circle back to the male it started as, I’m not convinced. It’s now the true coat of many colors.

    What a steaming hot mess.








  6. This helps explain why we are getting our asses kicked badly in all the war games. The american military is suffering from the same lunacy that permeates the rest of the country. I hope we won’t have to taste a major slaughter before we wake up. But it’s likely we will.

  7. ” I visited a licensed nurse practitioner in early 2013 and asked for a hormone prescription. “If you don’t give me the drugs, I’ll buy them off the internet,” I threatened.

    Although she’d never met me before, the nurse phoned in a prescription for 2 mg of oral estrogen and 200 mg of Spironolactone that very same day.”

  8. So, after much fanfare and adoration from a rapacious lib press, accolades for his “bravery” in claiming his chosen identity, challenging biological norms, as well as the legal system, Shupe has come to the realization that a dude wearing a wig is still a dude.

    Trump is 💯 correct on the trans military ban. I wouldn’t want to serve with these ppl on the battlefield, they could easily confuse the enemy as the good guys. Bergdahl anyone?
    Shupe could’ve saved himself a lot of trouble and expense by eschewing the Portland psychiatric community.

  9. How does someone with the name Jamie Shupe get the initials A.F.U.?
    Oh wait…

    It’s called weaken America anyway possible.
    Never let a good crisis go to waste. If you can’t find one, make one up, then publicize the Hell out of it!
    Fake news
    Fake racism
    Fake incidents
    Fake Nazis
    Fake Klansmen
    Fake Homophobes
    Fake Misongyists
    Fake Zenophobes
    Fake genders… as if 57 genders wuzn’t enough they had to go push this moron in our faces!
    Just more of the “Make Shit Up” crowd using mental illness on their own Jerry Springer show of shows!

  10. And the dems want single payer Medicare for all where this BS would exponentially grow. And anyone that stands in the way like his Pittsburg therapist would lose their license and probably face jail.

  11. Did I ever mention that I was really an adopted African Albanian albino bilateral below knee amputee lesbian dwarf in a 6’1″ cis gendered heterosexual Caucasian male?

  12. I am sorry for all of these persons. They are pawns in a political game I cannot even grasp. Confused, depressed, they are used and having their lives destroyed, one by one.

    I hope this story gets lots and lots of attention. ……Lady in Red

  13. Good for him for figuring it out and getting back to what he really is.
    However, he did say he fired someone for telling him the truth and refusing to give him male to female treatments. So somebody DID try to stop him, but he didn’t listen.
    And at the beginning, he did say he was going to get it from the black market if the nurse prac didn’t write him a script. (Why she didn’t discuss it with the doctor, who is her boss, is annoying me)

    Out of all that, this here is pissing me off the most:

    “A Pennsylvania judge didn’t question the name change, either. Wanting to help a transgender person, she had not only changed my name, but at my request she also sealed the court order, allowing me to skip out on a ton of debt I owed because of a failed home purchase and begin my new life as a woman. Instead of merging my file, two of the three credit bureaus issued me a brand new line of credit. ”

    That judge needs to be beaten with a chair, pushed down, up, and back down a staircase.

  14. This is such a sad story on so many levels.

    From my interaction, socially, with people who work in the mental health industry, that is psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses, they all went into this profession because they have their own mental problems.

    These doctors and nurses are drawn to this work to try and help themselves. In this case, it is truly the blind leading the blind, or the sick leading the sick.


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