Jan. 6 panel’s case against Trump: Doomed to become the latest debunked elite narrative? – IOTW Report

Jan. 6 panel’s case against Trump: Doomed to become the latest debunked elite narrative?

JTN: Even as House Democrats’ select committee on Jan. 6, 2021 argued Thursday that former President Trump is to blame for the chaos of that fateful day, explosive new reports collectively paint a very different picture of the Capitol breach, one suggesting the committee may be ignoring a slew of security failures that contributed to the tragic events of that day — and could leave the Capitol vulnerable in the future if unaddressed.

With the credibility of the media and political establishment already reeling from a succession of Democrat-friendly narratives being debunked, Thursday night’s prime-time spectacle — the first of what’s expected to be a marathon of six total Jan. 6 public hearings over the next two weeks — added to a growing list of stories, widely accepted in elite circles, put out by bureaucrats, politicians, and the mainstream media that were later called into question due to new information.

The seven Democrats and two Republicans on the Jan. 6 select committee tried to show that Trump was at the center of a coordinated campaign to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and that his efforts incited a mob to breach the Capitol in a bid to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

They used a combination of video, audio, and live testimony to make the case, outlining their view of what happened on that fateful day. But they failed to mention key details that paint a fuller picture of what led up to the breach of the Capitol.

Just the News reported Wednesday that the Pentagon first raised the possibility of sending National Guard troops to the Capitol four days before the Jan. 6 riot, citing government memos that validate former Trump administration officials’ long-held claims about their efforts to provide extra security. more

16 Comments on Jan. 6 panel’s case against Trump: Doomed to become the latest debunked elite narrative?

  1. TY for this I copied and pasted in email to my fav Brandon kook maybe he’ll read it–I had to put the takeaway up front:

    The slow unraveling of the Jan. 6 narrative may prove to be yet another example in a long series of narratives initially embraced uncritically by establishment media and political elites only to crumble over time under scrutiny — with each successive debunking further eroding public trust in mainstream political and journalistic institutions.

  2. Truth is the fist casualty. Facts that contradict the narrative will be ignored until well after the intended damage is done. Months/years down the road, dims will say (if they say anything at all), “Mistakes were made. Let’s move on. Kumbaya.”

  3. The reason Pelosi, et Al, are doing nothing to correct the security problems leaving the Capitol open for more trouble is that they will know ahead of time when it will happen, giving them time to conveniently be somewhere else.

  4. maybe u dicksucker-lawyers could fellate some material from another dicksucker named mueller. he did not come up with anything after 2? years. blowme, nwrds.

  5. Maybe she should of just stayed home, but no got caught up in break-in of a GOVERNMENT building, well guess what, you loose & yes that can & will included one’s meaningless life. Can you say felony?


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