Jane Fonda Says Covid Was God’s Gift to the Left – IOTW Report

Jane Fonda Says Covid Was God’s Gift to the Left

28 Comments on Jane Fonda Says Covid Was God’s Gift to the Left

  1. Pure evil. The little smirk-chuckle
    at the end. SATANIC. The millions around
    the world that died-suffered, sick for life,went broke
    and she laughs.

  2. Fonda’s withering body and looks are starting to give us a glimpse of her evil and ugly inner self.

    May Jane face 100s of thousands of US Military Personnel witnessing against her as she leaves this world to the next.

  3. Relating Covid in any way to God is utter blasphemey. Covid was not “made” but was corrupted by Man’s hubris into something God never intended it to be, by vain and arrogant men who thought they could improve on His design, just like their master satan does.

    And like their master in hell, they can only mar, not make; they can only corrupt, not create, and that corruption by men is what Hanoi Jane speaks of as a “gift” to the Left.

    And like all of the gifts of the Left, it can only kill, in the service of men trying endlessly and fruitlessly to elevate themselves into God’s place.

    And like all gifts of the Left, it will ultimately fail, but will cause great pain before it does.

    Hanoi Jane will never accept this; she has spent her whole life and the gifts the one true God gave her in trying to impose her will on God’s children by force and by advocating the murder of any who disagee with her as mere obstacles to the genius the devil has decieved her into thinking she has. She places no value on any life other than her own and never has, as that Vietnam clip so clearly demonstates; she doesnt consider other lives at ALL except as tools to be used and discarded if they dont serve her purpose.

    She is rapidly aging now as many leftists are, and like her fellow minions of hell with a reprobate mind like hers, when she should be thinking of repentence and salvation in the Lord, she instead tries to increase the sacrifice of lives that have no meaning to her in a vain attempt to curry favor with her fallen master when she too must face the Judgement she feels approaching more every day.

    She will learn too late that she got her mind from him, and like her, considers her soul to be of no value other that its usefulness to him in the moment; and when her usefulness to him is done, he will cast her soul into the pit with the others as just another worn out tool to be melted into slag.

    Hanoi Jane will get hers, have no doubt. God will see that she is rewarded according to her measure, and sooner rather than later.

    But pray that her voice loses all power while she yet lives, that she doesnt deceive any more to carry on in her stead.

    Jane Fonda?
    Go to hell.

  4. The followers of progressivism/Marxism/Satanism believe what Satan deluded himself into believing, that they are, individually or collectively, the true God. She is stating the obvious to the followers of that Satanic cult.

  5. I just told my daughter that my father-in-law who was a Korean War vet and was a crew chief on B-29’s hated Jane Fonda far worse than I do. She’s guaranteed to have an endless line of veterans ready to piss on her grave after she croaks. They better bury her in an unmarked grave, but we’d still find where they buried this worthless POS commie traitor.

  6. geoff the aardvark
    MONDAY, 1 JULY 2024, 8:51 AT 8:51 AM
    “They better bury her in an unmarked grave, but we’d still find where they buried this worthless POS commie traitor.”

    …they wont be able to bury her.

    Shes so twisted, they’ll have to screw her into the ground.

  7. Vain Jane is the embodiment of evil and vanity is one of the seven deadly sins. Vain Jane iw the poster girl of all the traits of vanity:

    Zero acknowledgement of past mistakes.
    Totally self-absorbed and celebrity-obsessed in their beauty.
    Ignores advice, but loves to give it… even if it isn’t solicited.
    Totally ignorant about consequences, especially to others.
    Loves being (has to be) The Center of Attention.
    Always praising and complimenting themselves.
    Offensive, rude, and mean to the extreme.
    Vain people often befriend (associate with) vain people.
    Vanity… and its 1st cousin Pride. If you’ve ever seen a Pride Parade you will know why its a sin!

  8. Growing up while everyone tells you how wonderful you are (because of who your daddy is) explains a lot about people like Hunter Biden as well.

  9. Not sure how she thinks loading up on the slab jab is good for non-thinking obedient leftists. If prominent opponents to the jab turn out to be correct, those who are fully jabbed and boosted are going to die early. As one who is told what to think and what to do she’ll dutifully get the next CDC approved series of suicide jabs. That’s good for the right, not for the left. Oh well…

  10. Actually, it gave America a great chance to see Democrats from the Federal government through the states, especially the governors, and localities get in touch with their inner Mao.

    wjhat’s happenijng today is a direct result of that.

  11. My Bucket list includes eating lots asparagus for breakfast and lunch. Then drink 2 or 3 German wheat beers before I piss on her grave. I want my piss to have the most foul stench possible.

    I have a feeling the line will be years long.

  12. It’s only fair since Hanoi Jane pissed all over Vietnam veterans and all veterans for that matter that we return the favor and water her grave well. Hopefully it will stain and ruin her headstone and leave a permanent giant green and yellow stain on it.

  13. Given today’s toady military commanders who sit on their asses all day at the Pentagon thinking up DEI schemes, they could allow Hanoi Jane to be buried at Arlington.

    Desecrating the ground forever of course.

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