Jane Roe Claimed She Was Paid To Switch Sides To Pro Life – IOTW Report

Jane Roe Claimed She Was Paid To Switch Sides To Pro Life

Yahoo! News

When Norma McCorvey, the anonymous plaintiff in the landmark Roe vs. Wade case, came out against abortion in 1995, it stunned the world and represented a huge symbolic victory for abortion opponents: “Jane Roe” had gone to the other side. For the remainder of her life, McCorvey worked to overturn the law that bore her name.

But it was all a lie, McCorvey says in a documentary filmed in the months before her death in 2017, claiming she only did it because she was paid by antiabortion groups including Operation Rescue. More

26 Comments on Jane Roe Claimed She Was Paid To Switch Sides To Pro Life

  1. I don’t believe liberals are persons. They are just clumps of cells. It matters not whether they die. I’m going to create a company and set up offices in New York called Planned Virushood that i hope to receive federal money for.

    Liberals are not welcome in this country. They are not convenient to me and many other people.

    One day the courts will get on the right side of history and declare liberals to not be people. Until then, we can’t harm them, we can just rejoice when they die.

  2. Either she lied at the beginning or lied toward the end, but the big point is: if she really did act pro-life for money, then someone in the pro-life movement is just as deceptive as she is, since it was likely their idea, not just their money.

    Quesiton is, if it happened, WHO IN THE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT PAID HER TO LIE? Whoever it was (if it happened) is just as mercenary as she was, just another hypocritical rent-seeker in it for the $$$, not out of conviction.

    There is NO CAUSE that is so noble that it’s worth lying to defend…especially if you claim your cause is God’s own truth.

  3. I met Norma McCorvey in 1996 rescuing with Operation Rescue in San Diego. If anyone used her it was the pro aborts who used her a sacrificial guinea pig in their ungodly pursuit of abortion on demand. Operation Rescue saved her life, I can’t say the same about the pro aborts. Sure she was messed up and had a hard life but aren’t we all? She was given grace within the pro life movement while the other side never showed any grace or mercy towards her and just used her and then abandoned her when she no longer was of any use to them.

  4. “Lying (or indeed almost anything) is nothing compared to murdering your own child.”

    Humanly speaking, I’d agree with you. But it’s irrelevant since the fact stands that ALL LIARS AND HYPOCRITES will have their part in the Lake of Fire too, right alongside all murderers.

    If McCorvey spoke the truth at the end, she was automatically a lying hypocrite the whole time, as is somebody probably still in the pro-life movement with their hands on the purse.

    If her “confession” is true, it means money given in sincerity by thousands of Americans to fight abortion went – in part – to publicize LIES. Which is why I do not give one dime to ANY charity, cause, or ministry unless I can see with my own eyes who ends up receiving it, or I personally know and trust who can see where it goes.

  5. McCorvey’s time on Earth is done and she is with God.
    Whatever she did in life is hers.

    INFANTICIDE is murder. period.
    In Roe v Wade, she claimed she was raped, which reportedly was a lie. If so, the case should’ve been thrown out.

    But the Left got what it wanted deceitfully and SCOTUS bent over and complied,
    isn’t that what we’ve come to expect in the US for the last 100 yrs ?

  6. A lot of you are deeply grieved and enraged by this, as you damn well should be. Believe me, this is not to rub any noses in it…but this is what comes of “making flesh your arm,” especially when there’s unaccounted millions pouring in from donations and PR is deemed more important than truth.

  7. So she is an admitted liar, and a very good liar according to her, so why should we believe ANYTHING she says, including her “life story” or her story about being paid by Operation Rescue? Maybe FX paid her to say THAT?

  8. TonyR,

    Good question, but why would she lie at the very end of her life?

    If her “confession” was bought by the Left, there’s no way they would have sat on it this long. They would have shouted it from the rooftops before she was in the ground.

  9. It’s almost like there was an Establishment Pro-Life entity which grew comfortable emulating the ways of its opponents. Money-grubbing & Mascots are not the way to go.

  10. You gotta marvel at what a spectacularly stupid bitch this woman really is. Basically, she’ll do anything for money and has zero respect for her own life or anyone else’s while possessing zero principals except for what is convenient at the moment.

  11. Without this last “confession” she would not have had one last time in the spotlight. Who cares what she thinks or thought, her legacy is that of enabling abortion in this country. She is now being held to account for the deaths of millions. Period. The Almighty is especially vengeful with baby killers, and she revealed her true self on her way out.

  12. From the (very) little I’ve read and heard — especially the trailer for this film — Norma McCorvey wasn’t pro-life or pro-death, she was pro-Norma. She also seems pretty emotionally goofed up. It doesn’t matter which side she was on, because the witness lacks all credibility. Presumably she made money off her 1997 book, “Won by Love” (and undoubtedly ghost written), about being saved and turning pro-life. From all accounts it was a convincing testimony about her decision. That makes suckers of all who bought it and believed what she wrote then.

    I do hope she now understands how damaging her lying was.

  13. So if the Left has had her recantation on tape but only now released it, it makes no sense. That’s a couple years worth of snark and PR they didn’t take advantage of. It’s very unlike them.

  14. There’s someone she didn’t fool – God. Now she’s standing before His judgement seat having to give account for being a grifter or liar all her adult life.
    She doesn’t have any valid excuse for her choices. Despite the godless wolves in sheep clothing, claiming to be Christian, she more than likely was given the opportunity to know Christ after encountering Christians who actually know Christ as Savior and Lord.
    This woman spent her entire life lying to herself and others, but God is not mocked.

  15. otoh I’ve lost count of the numbers of demonrats that were pro-life before they desired a higher office, and switched to pro-death-choice to gain support from the demonrat party.


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