Jane Sanders Cries Sexism Over Allegations of Bank Fraud
Jane Sanders, the wife of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), has gone on the attack in the face of accusations that she committed bank fraud when she was the head of a small Vermont college — blasting the accusations as an example of “sexism.”
Mrs. Sanders is under investigation by the FBI for a bank loan she applied for on behalf of Burlington College in 2010 as part of a land deal to expand the college. The FBI probe is said to focus on allegations that she overstated the amount of pledged donations she had to repay the loan. Sen, Sanders has also denied accusations that his office put pressure on bank officials to approve the loan.
If she’s claiming sexism, then she must be claiming to be female.
That’s not a fact in evidence.
Ah, to think that could have been the First Lady.
Be still my heart…
Investigation started under Obama “Justice” Department, so is she saying Loretta Lynch is sexist? I’m OK with that, just wondering.
Jane, you’re not guilty.. yet. And I’m not sexist.. ever.
I thought feminists were supposed to be strong? Crying sexism at every opportunity demonstrates how incredibly weak they really are.
So. I can claim to be a woman. Register as a democrat. Defraud a bank. And claim the Sanders defense? Good to know.
Well, it apparently worked for Hilary who committed far, far more serious crimes and is getting away Scott free.
Tony R,
Are you sure it’s not “just a matter”? After all, the article is from the notoriously misogynistic, altright, homophobic, sexist, white male privilege, Christian Fundamentalist, hate speech Brietbart.
Uh, I left out KKK, Hitler and gun toting, sorry.
Jane ignores that there have been thousands of women in charge of public institutions around the country who haven’t been investigated for fraud. For some reason Jane seems to be one of the few women in the country in this situation. Maybe the government investigators aren’t sexist.* Maybe there are real indications of fraud.
* Probably some of the government investigators are themselves women.
I’m certain that the Federal Bureau of Matters will find she didn’t intend to break the law.
@Uncle Al – im not real convinced that she’s not ‘Jason’. The huge breasts not withstanding.
Now even wildebeests are claiming innocence by feminism!
Jabba the Hut has a gender? and it’s female?
Ya’ learn something new every day.
Claiming an “ism” is the same as saying guilty.
I’m guessing “sexism” is all that will rile the peasant brain trust from Kardashiana. “Racism” is technically ineligible. “Antisemitism” is forbidden with fraud. Maybe accusing your enemies of using their government offices to attack their enemies lists would, technically, be more accurate than “sexism.” But that truth might be a thing for the peasant brain trust to “Make you go, ‘Hmm?'”
Sexism, eh? So are you claiming women are too stupid to run a small college?
Also claims to be not overweight, just undertall….
Hope she’s charged and uses that as her main defense.
So she’s throwing the gender card. In this type of crime it’s not going to help. Her name is on fraudelent documents she prepared, she told victims that she had big donations coming in in fact, she followed just about every fraud rule out there. If she gets a real Judge and Jury she’s likely to be doing some time. As for Bernie, I suspect he won’t do time but his name will be smeared and the BernieBots may be taking off their tinfoil hats.
She committed fraud by assuring lenders that she secured $2.27 million in donations to help pay for a land deal. By the end of 2011, they only received $125k.
Don’t worry Jane, President Hillary will either wipe this under the rug or pardon you.