Jane’s Revenge Declares “Open Season” on Pro-Life Centers – IOTW Report

Jane’s Revenge Declares “Open Season” on Pro-Life Centers


Jane’s Revenge, the group responsible for firebombing dozens of pro-life pregnancy centers throughout the country, has now threatened acts of domestic terrorism.

In an open letter issued to pro-life centers across the country, Jane’s Revenge took ownership for acts of violence and vandalism at pregnancy centers throughout the country and promised to escalate their tactics if pro-lifers continue operations as usual. More

30 Comments on Jane’s Revenge Declares “Open Season” on Pro-Life Centers

  1. At what point should open threats of violence against places of business, homes, and people allow for a preemptive use of force? These assholes that are threatening violence have an actual track record of following through on their threats. We need to be able to disable the threat before they are in a position to carry out a violent attack. This bullshit of waiting for actual violence from which we can defend ourselves is only emboldening these bastards. Once a viable threat of violence has been declared we should have the right to attack that threat and end it!

  2. No doubt the Democrat Party has engineered this savagery and murder as well as numerous other violence against the American citizenry. Protect yourselves and loved ones in every way possible. DO NOT HESITATE.

  3. “At what point should open threats of violence against places of business, homes, and people allow for a preemptive use of force?”

    As soon as those threats are made.
    ALL threats should be taken seriously – and removed immediately – and permanently.

    It’s hard to understand how we’ve come to this state of affairs – the “law” reacts – it doesn’t act – except extralegally as the provocateurs in the FBI are doing.

    They need to arm themselves and kill whoever tries to fulfill those threats.

    Self-defense is an obligation to society – to remove the scum who would do violence and unravel the fabric of civilization.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The pro aborts that I have encountered are some of the meanest, nastiest vile, scum on the face of the Earth. They are demonically possessed by the evil spirits of Baal, Molech, Lucifer etc. and they will stop at nothing to further their evil plans to destroy all that is good. Abortion is their sacrament, and they will use every evil tactic imaginable to keep it so. We are in a spiritual war people, it’s time to gird up our loins, get on our knees and repent and pray that Almighty God will defeat these evil doers.

  5. Keep this in mind the next time one of the violent, destructive, subhuman pieces of shit asks why anyone needs high capacity magazines.

    To defend our lives and property from the entitled bands of armed, dangerous morons who have no respect for the lives or property of anyone who disagrees with them and let it be known that they plan to burn, loot, plunder and assault innocent people for having the audacity to disagree with them.

  6. When they think they might not be able to kill babies in the womb they get all pissy and threaten post-born people? Lovely people, those. If they want to fly the black flag they should be treated as though they are flying the black flag. They stated they are flying the black flag, so take them at their word and respond accordingly (look up the black flag as it pertains to biker gangs).

  7. @Tim – FJB June 17, 2022 at 8:15 am

    > Self-defense is an obligation to society – to remove the scum who would do violence and unravel the fabric of civilization.

    Accepting The Rule Of Law(TM), requires surrendering defense.

    Pick. One.

  8. ^ Study the law of your own state, fnuck, and report back whether or not it supports – by law – the right of self-defense.

    You’re getting old.


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