Janice Dean: Cuomo sexual harassment probe has NY Dems letting loose on governor. Folks, you’re not fooling us – IOTW Report

Janice Dean: Cuomo sexual harassment probe has NY Dems letting loose on governor. Folks, you’re not fooling us


Hey, Albany lawmakers, we see you.  And you’re not fooling any of us. 

Now that New York Attorney General Leticia James has issued her damning report about the allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault on women by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, suddenly Democratic legislators have grown a spine and are letting loose on what they really think of the guy they’ve been working with for 11 years. 

This statement was posted Wednesday in a tweet by New York Times National Political Reporter Shane Goldmacher in which he writes:

“When people ask me how Democratic legislators in Albany actually feel about Andrew Cuomo, I guess I now have this statement to refer to:”

Goldmacher then posted a screen shot of New York Democratic Assemblyman Kevin A. Cahill’s dramatic statement about the AG’s report and how the findings are disturbing but “not surprising”:

“In most of his interactions, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has operated as though he alone was anointed with unlimited power, demanding absolute loyalty and showing exactly zero tolerance for those who did anything he deemed even the slightest perceived deviation from that personal fealty. more

10 Comments on Janice Dean: Cuomo sexual harassment probe has NY Dems letting loose on governor. Folks, you’re not fooling us

  1. Janice Dean was one of the first to speak up about Cuomo sending China virus patients to vulnerable nursing homes.
    She’s right with her comments about these Johnny come latelys.

  2. OK, so Assemblyman Kevin A. Cahill was a little disturbed by little dictator Cuomo, but not disturbed enough to stop him from arranging the deaths of thousands of elderly inmates of the city’s nursing homes.

    When Captain Bligh is running the ship, you mutiny.

  3. Democrats/liberals do not have the right outlook, mind-set, attitude, or moral persuasion to run anything that does anything positive for the people. Everything they touch…

    Face it – their aim to to be little fascists and run our lives – into the ground.

  4. Janice Dean was one of my early foxnews crushes, very likeable, but if she is looking for some accountability she is going to be disappointed.

    Much like Biden and his open border policies or the authoritarian governors that locked everything down, there is never accountability for our elected leaders. Lives destroyed, businesses gone, nation wide epidemics of suicide, depression, drug abuse, old people murdered in nursing homes, racial divisive polices that foment hatred, this is our Brave New World. And the destroyers of all that is right and just in the world are never ever held accountable.


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