Japan has a groping problem – IOTW Report

Japan has a groping problem


Just how bad is the problem of groping on public transportation in Japan? A new device meant as a deterrent sold out in a trial run of 500 in just 30 minutes, reports CNN. The device allows women to leave a mark of sorts on gropers—the idea is that they stamp the groper’s hand with ink, leaving the symbol of a palm. But it’s meant more as a deterrent than a real penalty: The ink is visible only under ultraviolet light, and it washes off as well. The stamps from maker Shachihata come with a black light that illuminates the marking, notes the Japan Times. “I was so surprised how quickly they were sold out,” a company rep says. In the past, female-only cars and surveillance cameras have also been used to cut down on the widespread problem, reports CNET.

But CNET describes possibilities for misuse—”What’s to stop someone from stamping someone to get revenge after being jilted?”


14 Comments on Japan has a groping problem

  1. If you mix men and women together in close proximity, you’re going to get this sort of thing.

    That’s why we used to separate men and women in most social and work situations and have chaperones in place when they were mixed at dances and such.

    It’s human nature, and has been throughout history.

    It’s not going to change because human nature doesn’t change.

  2. “In the past, female-only cars and surveillance cameras have also been used to cut down on the widespread problem…’

    …but in THIS country, we can’t even DEFINE female and male according to Democrats, so you’d just have actual women getting groped by dudes in dresses here anyway, and stamping them would be transgenderist, or something…

  3. …the idea is that they stamp the groper’s hand with ink, leaving the symbol of a palm.

    The ink is visible only under ultraviolet light, and it washes off as well. The stamps from maker Shachihata come with a black light that illuminates the marking, notes the Japan Times.

    How is this useful? Does a person need to carry a stamping mechanism in hand in case groped? Then plant a stamp that nobody can see without blacklight? (Is the blacklight held in other hand?) I’m sure that the perp will wait and hold out hand for stamp. Goes to show that some people will buy anything.

    I expect to see this product discussed at Gerard’s site!

  4. What a horrible idea?

    A few months back there was this big story here in the Bay Area of this crazy woman who while at a convenience store called the cops on a 10-year-old kid for pinching her butt. It was sensationalized because she was white and the kid (with his mom present) was black. Tempers were flaring and there was almost a riot before the cops got there. Surveillance footage revealed no pinching, in fact, contact at all could not be determined. The woman was branded a pariah in the neighborhood.

    I read a study a few weeks ago that sex is practically dead in Japan anyway. I would bet that 9 out of 10 times women on subways, when they think they were groped, were it fact innocently or innocuously jostled due to overcrowding.

    And why are only women buying these useless devices, women don’t grop men?

  5. @Jerry Manderin: groping yourself is a violation of EEOC rules and is actionable harassment. I will offer to represent you in a lawsuit against you for this despicable conduct. If you win, bad Jerry pays good Jerry. If you lose, bad Jerry loses nothing and good Jerry is in the same position. (Which position appears to be sitting in front of a computer screen in his boxers – but that’s another story). Either way, I collect a sizable fee.

    I see this as a win-win for Jerry, and a way to make my alimony payment this month.


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