Japan Invents World’s First Hand Held Fish Carrier – IOTW Report

Japan Invents World’s First Hand Held Fish Carrier

Sad and Useless

A Japanese company “Ma Corporation” is working on an unusual container-like bag for live fish, suitable both for pet owners wanting to take their favorite fish on walks, and fans of super-fresh sashimi. Known as Katsugyo Bag this portable fish tank is shaped like a long tube with a transparent middle section, a handle and a gauge which monitors the oxygen saturation of the water. More

15 Comments on Japan Invents World’s First Hand Held Fish Carrier

  1. Hell yeah.

    If only to piss off the commentators in the article who lament the fact that fish can’t scream.

    Also, thank you Japan for being so adorably weird.

  2. All I know is if this had been invented by a Dutchman the urge to smash would be unstoppable.

    Some Jap girl walks down the street with one and it’s worldwide “awwwwwwwwwww”.

  3. @Geoff – poor Godzilla is just misunderstood. If you play Godzilla movies backwards, you see a caring individual keen on Urban Renewal who the moonwalks backwards into the sea, waving farewell to everyone


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