Jared Fogle Says Judge Should Have Recused Herself Because She Has Teen Daughters – IOTW Report

Jared Fogle Says Judge Should Have Recused Herself Because She Has Teen Daughters

Representing himself, Fogle came up with a novel approach –

a judge with teen daughters can’t be fair to him since he was accused of crimes against teen girls.

Uh-huh. And if you kill a mother you can’t have a judge who had a mother. Idiot.


13 Comments on Jared Fogle Says Judge Should Have Recused Herself Because She Has Teen Daughters

  1. And if you’re not gay you can’t judge a gay…
    not a muslime…
    not an illegal alien…
    not an FBI agent…
    not a democrat…
    not a Clinton…

  2. If the choice is between a pædo and a member of the judiciary in The United States of America (at all levels) — I’ve got to put more faith in the integrity of the pædo. Even putatively honest “judiciary” (judges, clerks, the lot) know, absolutely know, how corrupt the entire system is. Yet they swear to uphold the edicts of all members, unknown members, of their royal houses — unless somebody else proves, beyond all doubt, that a, particular, edict was “illegal”. Then the royals of that court will elide that, individual, edict — while continuing to pretend all other edicts issuing from the same source are above reproach. Members of the United States judiciary that are not incorrigibly corrupt, are willful apologists for those that are.

    As for who will cause more suffering — yes, including to “the children”… A pædo, a gang of a pædos, can only do what they, themselves can achieve. And only until someone of good conscience stops them. A member of the (completely) corrupt judiciary? They hire loyal citizens to not only blindly enforce their, and their known bad actor brethren’s, whims — but to loot their victims to cover the expense of their attacks, and leave a profit. And all of good conscience are told (by serpents’ tongues) that “good” people are morally bound to aid and abet them. You’re safety — personal, familial, and community — is objectively greater with a pædo, with a gang of pædos, and no American Republic style judiciary, than with the opposite. It’s simple math.

    So, yeah, Jared seems (since I’ve got to take the absolutely corrupt American judiciary’s “word” that he did what they accused him of in the show trial — and because of the complete acceptance of corruption, they’re all show trials) like a grotesque excuse for a human being. But choosing between Jared and the entirety of corrupt American judiciary? “Welcome out Jared.”

    (And… How can so many people claim to be “thinking” “adults”, who see the corruption time and time again, the extrajudicial killings, the extortion, the so pervasive it’s “ordinary” lying — claim to believe anyone is actually guilty of what they, themselves, hate? I’ve got no quarrel with “Sunni or Shi’a… they both intend me harm, so if they’re offing each other… meh”. But even chanting, as a psyop, when the Shi’a are butchering Sunni civilians, “We loyally await The Thirteenth Imam!”, should be a “bridge too far” for anyone who’s not truly “All in with the cause!”.)

  3. Good luck finding a judge who has no children, grandchildren, friends with children, nieces, nephews, or neighbors with children. I think the judge was a little too easy on you Jared.

  4. Good luck finding a judge who has no children, grandchildren, friends with children, nieces, nephews, or neighbors with children. I think the judge was a little too easy on you Jared.

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