Jason Rantz is confronted by woman whose prototype is becoming all too common in Seattle – IOTW Report

Jason Rantz is confronted by woman whose prototype is becoming all too common in Seattle

·hat’s been the culture in Seattle for decades. I can’t even recall the number of times I’ve been called a f*&got there but nowhere else.

silenced112@silenced112·Seattle is very intolerant underneath all the virtue signalling.

I find this to be very true of Boston, another “progressive” enclave.

22 Comments on Jason Rantz is confronted by woman whose prototype is becoming all too common in Seattle

  1. …as he said, “unwell”. Every city has there fair share of the “unwell.” At least she has clothes on, unlike warmer climes where it’s clothing optional.

  2. What do his eyebrows look like? Did I miss some eyebrow trend? A woman asked me who does my eyebrows in ULTA one time, and I said God. They are the way they are. I’ve never done anything to them.

  3. White people put up with BS…Most of us minorities would have stepped up to her…She throws the coffee at me and she’s getting KOed.

    You whites need to not allow people to talk to you like that…The Social Contract ends when civility is ignored.

  4. She probably drives a white Prius with its left bumper hanging on for dear life, a CoExist bumper sticker on one side and a faded Bernie sticker on the other. Likely works/worked in education and is taking online classes to earn her law degree. Has 5 cats, a ferret and an old parakeet named after RBG. She’s gluten free, vegan and lactose intolerant. For exercise, she bikes around Green Lake with her 2 lesbian friends and their Trans child, Pat. Her Starbucks order is lengthy, and includes the temperature her oat milk latte should be brewed at….


  5. @ Illustr8r MARCH 22, 2022 AT 2:47 PM

    Guaranteed the back of her car is plastered with virtual signaling stickers. They can’t help themselves.

    Saw a van a few years ago that had a “pro-life” sticker that defined it as the woman having her life, not the child. And among the many many other stickers, it had one that said “You are what you eat” and was a Vegan message.

    I was behind her at Jack-in-the-Box and had snapped a photo as her fat arm was taking the large paper bag of greasy food.

    Only way I can find that pic is if I sent to somebody and they still have it. That phone is gone and I didn’t back up photos on it.

  6. Wow. I found the photo. I remembered incorrectly – some. Her arm came out after I snapped the pic, but the others?

    Vote choice/choose life

    And “You are what you eat – go organic.

    So not Vegan, but still – she’s at J-i-t-B.

    To top it off – she has a sticker for Russia, too. Wonder if that one is still on it.

    Of course it has the obligatory Coexist sticker.

    What a mess her mind must be.

    I’ll shoot it to Claudia and see what she thinks.

  7. Oh boy! I think we’re getting a Crazy Liberal Sticker contest!

    Claudia liked the pic and the idea.

    The photo I described above will be the bar to meet or exceed, if we do it.

    We need categories, like the Oscars, and I thought of a few. But the more the merrier.

    Most stickers

    Stickers most likely to produce cognizant dissonance. Saw two on a car that was Come and take it! on one side and Vote Beto on the other. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Sticker most likely to cause a flat tire or long key scratch on said car.

  8. Illustr8r — You nailed it, girlfriend! Doesn’t all that “keep up with” stuff sound exhausting?! No wonder these people are dour and growly. Too much stress!


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