Jasper Wildfire Ravages Town as Canada Plays their Climate Propaganda – IOTW Report

Jasper Wildfire Ravages Town as Canada Plays their Climate Propaganda

The media and the Left love to say that climate change is making fires worse, but that is not true. Most times, they’re caused by arson. And even though a lot of people have been arrested, the media continues to call it a “climate crisis.” 
Story here

6 Comments on Jasper Wildfire Ravages Town as Canada Plays their Climate Propaganda

  1. The left says climate change is to blame, but these Jasper fires are now diminished thanks to a local weather change that’s bringing in cooler temperatures and rain. Weather changes its mind daily.

    No doubt the climate freaks would have preferred the fires to continue raging through the town and completely destroy it. Even better, they would have preferred the town’s inhabitants to roast to death in the bargain. The population reduction game is on.

  2. Every Single Day I more Embarrassed of My Country.

    God Help & Protect Alberta & Saskatchewan, our last great Provinces…


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