Jay Inslee, Guv of Washington, Dumb and Boring – Dori Monson – IOTW Report

Jay Inslee, Guv of Washington, Dumb and Boring – Dori Monson

KIRO radio- Dori Monson:

Jay Inslee went on CNN Wednesday night for a town hall with Wolf Blitzer.

He really did sound like he has just half a brain, as he himself said earlier this week. CNN didn’t do Inslee any favors by airing this interview.

Inslee went off on Boeing for “extortion” because of the $8.7 billion tax break the company got in 2013. Jay Inslee himself signed the bill that was a record tax break for them. How stupid can he sound? He signed the tax break and then goes and calls it “extortion.”

Then on CNN, Inslee gave his spiel on climate change. This climate change thing is all phony. Scientists were absolutely positive in 1989, according to an AP story, that rising sea levels would wipe entire countries away by the year 2000 due to global warming. Really? Well it’s 2019 now, and I haven’t seen any nations wiped away by apocalyptic floods. We’re all being lied to. They’ve been lying to use for decades. And Governor Inslee has built his entire presidential campaign around this one lie.

The poor guy. He really was stumbling and fumbling last night. When they did cutaways of the audience, the people looked like “Village of the Damned.” Despite the fact they were all hardcore Dems, they looked bored. One woman even checked her watch.

The more Jay Inslee talks, the more people are bored with him. They don’t hate him; they’re just bored. They couldn’t possibly be more bored.

And talk about a bunch of softball questions. Why didn’t anyone ask Jay Inslee, “Why do cops in your state hate you?” What about, “Why did the family of a cop who was shot in your state order you not to come to their son’s funeral?” Or how about, “Why are there record murders in Yakima County? How many of them are connected to illegal immigrants?” Make him be accountable for his sanctuary policy that is directly connected to the murder of a cop.


ht/ Jimmy

25 Comments on Jay Inslee, Guv of Washington, Dumb and Boring – Dori Monson

  1. Sadly, the democrat base have no knowledge or the ability to logically think through complex topics. They only get jazzed by red meat shovelers that are barely smarter than they are.

    Show me just one democrat presidential candidate that provides intelligent solutions to any challenge.

    They are all about pee-pees and wee-wees and their abilities to say a wee-wee is now a pee-pee and vice versa and if non retarded Americans don’t like it they are haters. And Muslims are being persecuted just like the pee-pee/wee-wee focused. And illegals. Yeah. They’re harassed too.

    Not s single democrat candidate has a chance of beating Trump. Period.

  2. Washington Governors generally get elected by three counties: King (Seattle), Pierce (Tacoma), and one other — the population center of the state. Most of the rest of the state is pretty conservative.

  3. I’ve even heard Democrats call him “Governor Dim Bulb.” (Actually, there are Democrats with reasonable IQ’s. They’re just so horribly misguided in life.)

  4. Hey, dumb shit. Remember, dozens of cities offered incentives to lure away the Boeing jobs and tax revenue you take for granted. You outbid them. Remember? What have you done with the billions of tax dollars you extorted from Boeing? Ass hole. Are you stupid or what? Any chance there’s a genetic link between you and Maxine Waters? AOC maybe? Biden?

  5. Another one? Great. How many is that? These are their best and brightest? If Biden does not jump in I’ll bet $5 that Cummo will calculate he can sweep them all and jumps in by July 4th.

  6. PHenry, “Not s single democrat candidate has a chance of beating Trump. Period.”

    I agree. However, the candidates don’t matter with the massive voter fraud planned for 2020. I keep praying that someone will get on that problem pronto. James O’Keefe can only do so much. Exposing voter fraud does nothing if the guilty do not face consequences (jail!).

  7. Yowsa! What a maroon!!!

    I really wish it were possible to split eastern WA and eastern OR away from crazy town Seattle and Portland. There is always discussions about it and even ballot petitions but it never goes very far. I have family in eastern OR who are wheat farmers. They are as represented by their Congress critters as I am-meaning not at all. 🤷‍♀️

  8. Illustr8r, I was wondering that a couple of days ago too. I remember most people felt we needed to get outside of the I-5 corridor. Maybe the Cascades or even East of there. I’m game for anything. We just need someone to organize something. I wonder how many might attend, that might be someth8ng we need to find out.

  9. I’m still in. There hasn’t been a good Governor in Wash. state over the past 35-40 years. All the democrap governors have sucked, I miss Dixie Lee Ray who was probably the last decent democrat Governor we’ve had in this state. And for everyone’s enjoyment, an old kid’s ditty from back in the 60’s. Whistle while you work, Krushchev is a jerk, Rosellini (the Gov. of Wash. state at the time back in the early 60’s) bit his weenie, now it doesn’t work. An earlier World War 2 version went, Whistle while you work, Hitler is a jerk, Mussolini bit his weenie, now it doesn’t work.

  10. Illustr8r, I think we might need a rough idea of a head count, then plan from there. Maybe a request for interested parties can be posted somehow. Of course we can’t expect firm commitments, but are we looking at maybe 5-10 people, 20? I sure don’t know, but it seems like there are several of us within a 2-3 hour drive.

  11. I can’t listen to Dori Monson. He’s a Seattle native but he sounds like a Valley Girl when he talks. He’s really been a great proponent of conservatism, though. I tune in to Lars Larson instead.

  12. Illustr8.
    Joe6pak,geoff the arrdvark, JDHasty,Jimmy and Indemix.
    There was talk about a camp fire. AA and I have been looking for a place that had camping and motels close by. How far will people drive,just a day trip or over night.
    Mid June or after the 4th of July?
    Omak, Walla Walla?
    We can set up a camp site for a dinner and a fire.
    Illustr8. Mr. Hat has AA and my email and my phone number just ask him for them.then send us a message and we can start planning.

  13. Geoff, if I drive to eastern Washington for a bonfire (and I will) it is an overnighter. Seems like burn bans are on by the 4th of July, so that’s a consideration.

    I’ll call this weekend, calling it a night.


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