JD Vance Says It’s ‘Astonishing’ For Kamala Harris To Say There’s No US Service Members In Harm’s Way – IOTW Report

JD Vance Says It’s ‘Astonishing’ For Kamala Harris To Say There’s No US Service Members In Harm’s Way

Daily Caller —-Republican vice presidential candidate and Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance said Wednesday that Vice President Kamala Harris was unfit for office after she claimed there are no U.S. service members in harm’s way.

Harris said during Tuesday night’s debate that “there is not one” U.S. service member currently in a combat or military zone around the world. Vance said on Fox News’ “The Story with Martha MacCallum” that the vice president evidently has no idea that U.S. service members are in harm’s way and that she has a “thin approach to public policy.”

“It’s astonishing for the vice president to say this,” Vance said. “Just a couple of weeks ago, you had American troops who were seriously injured, likely by Iranian-backed militias. The fact that she actually serves as the vice president and is apparently unaware that the people who serve underneath her are not only in harm’s way, they’re not only in a combat zone, they have been actually injured in the last couple of weeks. And again, it shows how thin and superficial Kamala Harris’ entire approach to public policy is. This is a person who doesn’t know what’s going on.” more here

28 Comments on JD Vance Says It’s ‘Astonishing’ For Kamala Harris To Say There’s No US Service Members In Harm’s Way

  1. I’m sure the execrable Kaitlin Collins or the new potato Stelter will be along soon to tell JD Vance that Pentagon officials have confirmed, no American soldiers are in harm’s way, and why is he spreading rumors about this to millions of people.

  2. And why isn’t the media blob asking the, you know, actual President about what his VP said? They seem to be very keen on asking Trump about what his VP said, and vice versa.

    That was a rhetorical question.

  3. In regards to the photo used for this story, did anyone else think that was so strange that she kept grasping her chin in this manner? Did her handler whisper for her to do it? Who grasps their chin like this?

  4. They need to work one shift on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, that’ll make them think twice about not being in harm’s way. Every time I was up on the flight deck of the Kitty Hawk as a plane captain in an F-4 Phantom fighter squadron I myself along with every other member of the Air Wing were in harm’s way because anything could happen, and it did on occasion. The military is not a place for pussies who can’t stand to be placed in harm’s way every time that they’re deployed anywhere around the world, it’s not a safe place out there and never will be.

  5. …courtesy of this illegitimate regime, we are in MULTIPLE undeclared wars, and even if we were NOT, our ENEMIES are certainly at war with US.

    “It needs but one foe to breed a war, not two, Master Warden,’ answered Éowyn. ‘And those who have not swords can still die upon them.”
    J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    …but lets visit Kamala’s Fantasy Land for a moment, where we are in this pretended peace.

    As we were at “peace” in Beruit on 10/23/83, when 242 Marines and sailors were murdered in their barracks by a truck bomb.

    Were THEY in harm’s way?

    …or the guards on duty at the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, neither of which we had any hostilities with, on August 7, 1998 when simultaneous bombings were launched by Bin Laden from another country, leaving 214 people dead?

    Were THEY in harm’s way?

    …and the Pentagon in 2001. the nation was at peace with everyone on a beautiful September 11th when a hijacked plane struck, killing 125 people, most of which were office dwelling service members.

    Were THEY in harm’s way?

    …and on YOUR watch, 13 service members were killed at Abbey Gate, Afganistan, on August 26th 2021, for no reason other than to give you and the pedophile you putatively serve a talking point, supposedly protected by a surrender YOU helped negotiate?

    Were THEY not in harm’s way?

    …having never done anything useful in your life and being constantly protected at taxpayer expense for most of it, you CLEARLY don’t understand that A SOLDIER, SAILOR, MARINE, AND AIRMAN ARE IN HARMS WAY 24/7/365 BECAUSE THEY PUT A TARGET ON THEIR BACK WHEN THEY PUT THE UNIFORM ON, WHEREVER THEY ARE AND WHATEVER THEY DO!

    …or OUT of uniform, as they were at a Berlin disco on April 5th, 1986 when it was attacked because American soldiers were known to frequent it, leaving three dead and hundreds wounded?

    …and this doesnt even take into account the deaths that happen in TRAINING, as training with combat systems is INTRINSICALLY not safe.

    …no, Kamala, our troops are NOT out of harms way, never HAVE been, and never WILL be.

    But there IS one thing specific to you and your fraudulent master about that.

    You two, by making America a laughingstock while degrading and humiliating them at every turn while not supporting them even as the do your bidding, have made their situation much, MUCH WORSE.

    YES, Kamala, they ARE in Harms Way.


  6. geoff the aardvark
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 10:15 at 10:15 am
    “They need to work one shift on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, that’ll make them think twice about not being in harm’s way. ”

    …absolutely NOT.

    They are cowardly, weak, and stupid, and would so get the REST of you killed.

    Your job is dangerous enough.

    You dont need idiots making it MORE so.

  7. Amen SNS, I was scared shitless the first time that I ever worked on the flightdeck during full flight ops. I got used to it but was always fully aware of all the dangers involved with jets being launched and recovered, I was knocked down by a jet blast once early on and was bouncing down the aft end of the flight deck with 100 lbs. of tie down chains on my back when a safety officer grabbed me by my life vest to keep me from going over the back end of the ship. Another time when I was riding the brakes on my plane while being towed by a tow tractor during a rain squall off or Hawaii during training exercises the tow tractor started to skid, and lost traction and I ended up about a foot or two away from the edge of deck and could’ve gone over the side if it hadn’t stopped, it was that close. I was also very well cautious of propellors especially on the E-2 Hawkeyes and always went very wide around them as did everyone else, propellors are invisible at night during night flight ops and you don’t want to walk into them or you’re instant hamburger. One of the carriers a few years ago lost one of their flight deck crew when he accidentally walked into a propellor inadvertently because he wasn’t watching where he was going. And I witnessed a Lt. Commander who stepped over the yellow foul line on the flight deck when my plane was landing who got both of his feet cut off by the arresting gear cable, it all happened so fast that I couldn’t really pay attention until afterwards since I had to tie down and secure my plane just after it landed. I got sick afterwards when I was told what happened and I barfed over the side of the ship. There’s a good reason most of us were in our early 20’s then because we still thought we were invulnerable, and it couldn’t happen to us.

  8. I also cracked my head wide open one-time when I was under my plane doing an inspection while not wearing my helmet (my fault) and smacked my head on a Sidewinder missile fin when I abruptly stood up. My head was bleeding like as stuck pig and the first thing when I went back into the line shack was a friend of name nicknamed Rat (from Philly) who yelled at me, “Jesus, JR (my initials) get out of here, you need to see the corpsman right away”. I immediately went down below decks and saw the corpsman and got 6 stitches on the left side of my temple. You can still see the scars barely 50 years later.

  9. Geni – Don’t get me started on that cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-eating, brainless, dickless, purple-lipped, hopeless, heartless, bug eyed, big-eared, incompetent, inexperienced, lazy, vactioning, golfing, childish, naïve, spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, imperious, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, dope-smoking, pot-headed, teleprompter reading “Corpse-Man”, My man “Alex de Toke-Ville”, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, red line…pink line…salmon line…fuchsia line…maroon line…puce line… Yellow line-drawing, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, “Flexible”, No-records, Reset Button Bonehead, Bush-blaming, Mexican gun-running, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Cash-for-Clunkers, Phones for Lo-Foz, recess-appointing, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, bald-faced liar, fraud and flim-flam man, “I will restore trust in Government”, “Al-Qaeda-decimated”, “You didn´t build that”, “Most transparent administration ever”, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”, “Premiums will be lowered by $2500”, “I´ve got a pen and a phone”, “Russia is just a regional power”, Constitution-stomping, autocratic, I can do whatever I want”, Bullgarian-speaking, productivity-obstructing, court-tampering, dictatorial, monument-Barrycading, race-divisive, class-divisive, community-organizing, selfie-posing, celebrity gad-fly, healthcare-destroying, Al-Qaeda appeasing, malicious, petty, lawless phoney-baloney, bitch-slapped, pussy-hatted, Gay-obsessed, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, Christian-Snubbing, Deserter-honoring, ISIS appeasing, Iran-Funding, Jihad-coddling, maladroit, plastic banana republic Manchurian Doorknob, Socialist Marxist Muzlim Mallard and Insecure Kenyan Kremepuff Traitor he really is!

    Holy shit! Where´s the Tylenol!

  10. Yes, I do remember barry call them a corpse-man. I have 2 friends who were Navy Corpsman with the Marines in Vietnam in the 60’s, one was my family dentist for many years and the other was the father-in-law of a very good friend of mine. They are both honorable men and did a job that was probably about in as harm’s way as possible that you could get during wartime. And thanks Doc one of the many commenters at IOTW for your service as well.

  11. Geoff, I am in awe of your experiences with the Navy, never mind flying from an Aircraft Carrier of any class but I get seasick so easily. (Also don’t like heights and those ships are tall, yikes!)

  12. We jokingly referred to aircraft carriers as bird farms. They are humongous but when you’re out at sea for extended periods of time you tend to forget about how big they are until you get back to port and look up at and see how massive in size and height that they are. At sea the carrier was our home for 5-6,000 sailors and airmen and 80-100 planes and helicopters on board 24/7 until we came back into port. And when all you see is from the vantage of the flight deck for the Air Wing it tends to look small in comparison to how vast the oceans are and particularly the Pacific and Indian oceans. I am glad that I didn’t miss the adventure of making 2 Westpac cruises in 1973/74 and again in the Spring of 1975 a month or so after Saigon and S. Vietnam fell to the communist N. Vietnamese. I’ve been halfway around the world twice particularly in 1974, to the Philippines, off the coast of Vietnam at Yankee station in the Gulf of Tonkin, Hong Kong, Singapore and then we went to the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf thru the narrow straits of Hormuz, I personally saw the Shah of Iran while being inspected on the flight deck when we put on airshow for the Iranians inside the Persian Gulf and S of the Equator (I am a shellback) to Mombasa, Kenya and back home after a nearly 8-month deployment back to San Diego.


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