Jean-Pierre Tells Questioning Reporter That What the President Says About Matters is the Way It Is – IOTW Report

Jean-Pierre Tells Questioning Reporter That What the President Says About Matters is the Way It Is

Peter asks Biden Spox about Biden’s voice being on voicemail talking about Hunter’s overseas business deals. It’s a relevant question because Biden claimed he never spoke to Hunter about such matters.

Jean-Pierre’s answer?

Jean-Pierre says that whatever Biden says happened is what happened, despite your lying ears.

19 Comments on Jean-Pierre Tells Questioning Reporter That What the President Says About Matters is the Way It Is

  1. The poster girl for affirmative action hiring….qualifications are only a plus as they are irrelevant; it’s the skin color and sexual orientation that counts!

  2. I vill tell you this vonce and only vonce, and you vill not question his authority. Vhat he says is the absolute, undeniable and irrefutable truth. Do I make myzelf clear?!


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