Jeb Bush Compliments Trump On His Remarkable Economic Growth – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush Compliments Trump On His Remarkable Economic Growth

Wash Times-

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush offered a rhetorical hat tip to one-time rival President Trump on Friday for the nation’s surging economy.

The man deemed “low-energy Jeb” on the 2016 campaign trail by Mr. Trump took to Twitter to marvel at America’s high-octane economic growth — 4.1 percent in the second quarter.

“Today’s news confirms that 4% growth isn’t just aspirational, it’s achievable through policies that unleash the power of the market,” Mr. Bush wrote. “Credit to @POTUS’s economic policies. To sustain this growth, we must pursue a free trade agenda and move to a merit-based immigration system.”

Mr. Bush was one of the billionaire’s staunchest critics during the 2016 presidential election cycle.


16 Comments on Jeb Bush Compliments Trump On His Remarkable Economic Growth

  1. It takes JEB! longer than most to react to news, good or bad…Please clap 👏 👏
    Have to give him a little credit though, at least he didn’t go on a world tour whining about how Trump stole the nomination from him.

  2. And we’d have hellary as President if the stupid republicrats had run Yeb or any other squishy candidate for President in 2016, guarandamnteed. Thank God for President Trump, Yebbie boy and all the Bushes and never Trumpers and all the RINO’s need to go away and never come back into power ever again. Weenies and gutless cowards don’t win the Presidency Yeb and Donald Trump is neither.


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