Jeb Bush speaks in Spanish about Speaking in English – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush speaks in Spanish about Speaking in English

27 Comments on Jeb Bush speaks in Spanish about Speaking in English

  1. Well I listened to the Hannity interview tonight and I’ve changed my position. He’s my bottom of the barrel last choice, however he’s way, way, way better than Killary. If he’s the last man standing I will vote for him. Trumps got me interested again.

  2. Brad, agreed. But don’t know if Trump could hit my top 3. But I am willing to let it play out and see. Trump needs to calm down his past stupid comments/tweeting and play it closer to the vest. But I liked his raw “This is America, dammit!” speach.

  3. Meerkat. He killed it with that rant. His written speech was only suppose to be 10 minutes long. The rest was from the heart. He maybe the only one that can reserect the dead. The fucker had me committed last time around and bailed. I don’t trust him, but damn he gets the entire picture. He sure would be fun to watch in the debates. He would make them all look like ass holes. I’m more than interested.

  4. Brad, I am leery for the same reason, his quick exit last time around. I also know when in the past he discusses his tv show he always can’t stop talking about the ratings. And similarly, all through several interviews today I heard him talking incessantly about how many people are showing up to his events over today and tomorrow–to the point where the interviewers (Hannity/Levin/O’Reilly) had to steer him back on topic. That’s a little weird. Because he likes to tout his popularity more than his message. It’s a slight turn-off for me, but not a big one. Because I can see that he is a proud man and he SHOULD use his successes as a selling point.
    Bottom, line, He is a well added addition to this debate that the Republican party need to have amongst themselves through this primary.

  5. Joe. You got to realize Trumps a Biz man. By that Operha comment he probably gained votes from 10,000 soccer moms. I understand this guy to a point. I thought I had him dialed until he bailed last time around. I guess I’m saying let the process play out and enjoy the debates because Trump will make all of them, including Cruz, look like a bunch of idiots.

  6. Joe, really? Oprah comment? That’s all it takes? Then no candidate is good enough for you. They have all done it over and over again. And will continue to do it over and over again. Which comments get reported, which have you heard?
    It’s time we stop being of the nature of he/she said one thing and now I am done with them. Otherwise Reagan never would have been elected in the age of the internet I would suspect.

  7. The way I see it a vote for Oprah is a vote for Obama. I will not do it. I’ll vote for Carly or Ben first. One thing I see as important is breaking away from established politicians. We need new blood!

  8. Watch and learn. If he bails and this turns out to be another self promotion tour I’ll hate him forever. But nobody has the ability to get things turned around like he does. Shit the fuckers got me hooked again. I guess let’s all watch and see how it plays out. Ya know he would have fired Ryan, Boehner and the rest.

  9. Exactly correct, Sonoma. And we don’t appreciate your spanish speaking during your speeches. I actually can understand what you are saying, nosotros, unidas, I get the the message he is sending and it is wrong. One language, one country. They either need to assimilate into our UNITED STATES culture, or leave. FU Jeb, you are a Mexican wanna-be.

  10. I am looking to vote for anyone with consistent, pro-American, conservative principals. I thought Ted Cruz was the guy, now maybe not. Trump is certainly pro-American but if he is willing to compromise his core beliefs for the votes of 10,000 soccer moms I don’t trust him. Even if he was joking it shows bad judgement. Come November, 2016 I’ll just write in joe6pak and be satisfied that I did the best I could.

  11. I love this format, the diehards are here. Stranded, need your e mail for the Cali IOTW contingency. If Mary’s got it and your interested ask her to pass it on to me so I can hook us all up. Great stuff.

  12. Concerning Mexico, could you have imagined that Jeb Bush announced on Monday who would probably be the best ambassador to Mexico, then on Tuesday, Trump announces and basically is the worst ambassador to Mexico?

  13. If I may add to your comment Stranded, DUMB A$$!

    Will he address Italian-Americans in Italian, or Franco-Americans in French and so on? Can’t wait til he goes to the inercities and starts talkin jive… but then he’s already doing that.

    Take a hike Jeb!.

  14. The Republican ticket is seemingly like new car shopping?

    I get excited by the looks, sounds, and reading the pamphlet. Then once I read other reports and ratings by other car guys I feel skeptical. Once I settle in and actually go on a test drive my mind is usually set at ease or confirmed I don’t want that. All a big part in the correct choice.

    Seems I jumping at every new “body style” presented. Maybe that is because I want something new so badly? Careful selection is key, don’t want to go all in something I won’t be happy with 10,000 miles down the road, but now stuck driving.

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