Jeb! Calls Cruz an anchor baby – IOTW Report

Jeb! Calls Cruz an anchor baby

SooperMexican: The Tednado came out and corrected JEB! Bush’s idiotic statement calling him an “anchor baby.”

jeb! minion

From Politico:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Friday fired back at Jeb Bush, who a day earlier suggested the senator, who was born in Canada to a son of a Cuban immigrant and American-born mother, was the beneficiary of birthright citizenship.

“I appreciate Governor Bush’s concern. I would note it seems he’s having a problem and getting confused between legal immigration and illegal immigration,” Cruz told reporters here ahead of his soapbox speech at the Iowa State Fair. “With regard to legal citizens, I’m a United States citizen because my mother was a United States citizen, born in Wilmington, Delaware. And it has been the law since the beginning of the country that the children of American citizens born here or abroad are American citizens by birth.”  MORE

23 Comments on Jeb! Calls Cruz an anchor baby

  1. Yeb don’t do “tough guy” too well.. I dont feel.sorry for him, I sort of.feel.embarrassed for him in a weird way. They told us he was the smart one and George was the clutz… as usual they got that wrong too.

  2. No, the media didn’t get it wrong. They have an agenda to push. They want the GOP RINOs to nominate their weakest member (Yeb!) to run against whoever is the DemonRat candidate. Then they can turn against Yeb!, and get their DemonRat Chosen One elected to The Red Shed.
    The media can’t STAND to have Cruz (or Trump) nominated as the RepubliTard candidate, because they know that either one has the popular groundswell, and would run rings around any DemonRat candidate.

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