Jeb Collateral Has Weird Anomaly – IOTW Report

Jeb Collateral Has Weird Anomaly


ht/ @JasonChisel


39 Comments on Jeb Collateral Has Weird Anomaly

  1. Overuse of the Burn tool in Photoshop to make the J pop outta the background?

    Seriously, can his campaign literature look anymore plain, boring or generic? Why Jeb, why?!?!

  2. That’s my question also, Why Jeb? Why do the RINO’S and establishment types want to run a Bush retread? Is it because they can control him more than other real conservatives who they hate? I can’t and won’t vote for Yeb. Certainly we can do far better than him, I Like Ted Cruz. Hell even Trump would make a better President. How many losers (Dole, McCain, Romney) does the GOP need to run before they win back the Presidency?

  3. Yeah-the red swoosh is badly placed too.

    Any chance they put Jeb’s head on some stock photograph and neglected to ‘shop the brown hand thinking no one would notice?

  4. Damn Illustr8r, I do believe you are right! Look at the space between his collar and the back of his neck. And his head looks dinky compared to the rest of “his” body.

    Not only is this a photoshop, it’s a bad photoshop. All Trump has to do is speak and people line up to hear him. Yeb has to phake his photos to look electable.

    What a maroon!

  5. Personal observation about Trump. Something I’ve noticed. I e had the good fortune to work on projects with individuals much smarter than me. To a man they have one small flaw. At times their mouths run slightly ahead of their brain. Don’t get me wrong, what they say is right. Us normal people can’t keep up. At times, that’s Trump.

  6. I’m less concerned about the left hand and wondering more about why they changed his face to look like a doppelganger of “Free 6-inchers in my van” Jared.

  7. Stranded, that’s the same exact picture! How the hell did you find that? The cars on the bridge, the ripples on the water, the high water mark on the wall, even the jpeg artifacts around the trees and buildings. Easy to see if you zoom in on them side by side.

    And, yes, his head is too fukkin small! What a fck’n loser Jeb! The democrat’s republican. lol.

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