Jeb! Needs Help! – IOTW Report

Jeb! Needs Help!

From his brother, George.

jeb bush george bush

Jeb Bush has lost major campaign donors, according to Politico.

8 Comments on Jeb! Needs Help!

  1. I had an amazing dream last night. And let me tell you it was amazing! I was in the white house, January 2017 and all the “J’s” were missing from the computer keyboards. I look up and who do I see behind the desk in the oval office? My dear departed friend, Joan Rivers!

  2. ha, jeb, george’s slower brother.

    I am really surprised at jeb’s and hillary’s struggles for the “anointment”.
    I thought the voting public would just bend over and take it again, pick sides and vote for the establishment candidates.

    maybe there is still hope the voters can pull their chestnuts out of the fire through the ballot box, but personally I think it’s too late.

    if us americans were still exceptional, obama, Hillary, her husband and the bushes would all be in jail, along with boehner, mcconnel, reid and pelosi. i don’t think we have the balls to make us great again.

    I am surprised the former head of the cia’s son is running for potus after said cia head and his other son have already been potus?
    why doesn’t this scare anyone?

  3. If the GOP leadership , aka Boehner and McConnell, had kept their campaign promises to stop the invasion of the US, and stop the destruction of the US by Obama, and killed Obama-un-care Jeb would be having an easy go at being a contender.

    But. Jeb is paying for the betrayal of the voters who elected a huge majority of GOP members over the previous two elections. Only to see more of the same and no change, and the country still rushing in the wrong direction. And the current top 4 candidates are benefiting from that betrayal.

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