Jeb! picks up key endorsement – IOTW Report

21 Comments on Jeb! picks up key endorsement

  1. On the Bush front, Politico reports most of the two dozen big donors it interviewed are simply waiting for Bush to throw in the towel so they can open their wallets for another candidate (Politico predicts Bush’s current “Wall Street support” will move on to Marco Rubio). “I’m resigned to it being over, frankly,” says one. Another adds the current fundraising pitch for the Bush camp is, “I need you to throw away money on Jeb—out of loyalty” to the Bush family…. No Shit!

  2. And the Donald responds…

    Jeb Bush, who did poorly last night in the debate and whose chances of winning are zero, just got Graham endorsement. Graham quit at O.

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 15, 2016

  3. Michael Medved on his show today was absolutely apoplectic about Cruz’s NY values comment (he’s convinced the Cruz campaign is over-over!!!!) and equally as delighted that Lindsey endorsed Jeb!

    Medved is a freakin’ idiot.

  4. He does- it’s the strangest thing!

    Geez, I thought he was giddy yesterday when he could bash Cruz with Goldman Sachs.

    Today, good golly, I think he was skipping around the control booth he’s so joyful over this-and the birther lawsuit-that broke while he was on air.

  5. “A guy with 0% (Graham) endorses someone with 5% (Bush). What kind of strategy is this? No wonder Trump is winning.”



    On another note:
    it must be the key to the little girls’ bathroom…

  6. is this some sort of ‘reverse psychology’ thing? ….. I mean, Lindsey Graham??? …. Seriously?
    …well, I guess it does wrap up the gay South Carolina vote for Jeb!

  7. Here is the kind of people that Sundance at the conservative treehouse has following him pushing Trump and bashing Cruz.

    I won’t give the screen name but you can go there and check out the hate at his site if you can stand it.

    Talking about Ted Cruz..

    ” I am getting so frustrated with the sleazeball, that I wish at this stage he’d just go and die in some dark corner. He has no snowball chance in hell to win even nomination, everyone including him understands this, he is in it just to deny Trump 50% and “sell” his delegates at the convention.”

    Fucking ridiculous!

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