Jeb Says He Could Be Doing Really Cool Things Rather Than Be A President Watching Gridlock – IOTW Report

Jeb Says He Could Be Doing Really Cool Things Rather Than Be A President Watching Gridlock

Jeb is the NO GRIDLOCK president.

Whatever the left wants he’ll find a way to make it happen, lest there be gridlock. (Jeb, this is why you’re at 5%.)

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ht/ chalupa

And just what are these “really cool things” Jeb could be doing?

  • Touching Mexicans
  • Changing his hair oil
  • Perfecting the Guaca Bowle
  • Migrant Worker Cosplay
  • Being mom’s favorite

19 Comments on Jeb Says He Could Be Doing Really Cool Things Rather Than Be A President Watching Gridlock

  1. Thanks Yeb! I never felt I needed your permission to vote for Trump, but if it makes you feel better, that’s a twofer.

    Now go home to mommy and daddy and pout some more!

  2. I couldn’t agree more. I pray for The Donalds safety.

    As for Yeb, I recall none of us had a clue what the man was doing disrespecting the base. Now we see their whole splitter deception collasping in front of our own eyes. I am so glad Trump saw it for what it is and kicked him off the stage.

  3. He sounds like a spoiled pre-schooler. He’ll just kick a fit and go home, if he doesn’t get it his way. Just like that turncoat Ryan. So go, already!

    Leadership is a shitty job and the GOP just can’t t get out of the way of real conservatives, who are very capable of picking up the AMERICAN FREEDOM STANDARD, and cleaning the American house.

    Quit Jeb; quit Ryan. You’ll hear nothing but cheering, if you do.

  4. Why is it that DC always has to DO SOMETHING ?

    Reminds me of Gov Lepetomane.
    Gentlemen ! We must protect our phony baloney jobs !

    I can see him with the paddle now. Friggin’ thing is warped !

    Just Say No to the Yeb Men.

  5. I disagree that there will be gridlock with Trump.
    Trump will call bullshit when he sees it (and there’s a lot of that in Washington), and will browbeat those that stand in the way of sensible action.
    Trump will get things done.

  6. Other cool things Yeb! could be doing –

    Drinking Red Bull mixed with prune juice to maintain his low energy level.

    Reading Hillary’s book in the mirror with a Shakespearian accent.

    Throwing sour grapes at the Trump casino in Vegas.

    Judging burro beauty contests in Tijuana.

    Setting up recycling bins at fundraisers to bring in more cash.

  7. Maybe if “The Dionald” is ultimately victorious, he can appoint Senor Jeb Ambassador to Mehico….and Senor Marco Ambassador to the Castro Boys, just for shitz n’ giggles.

  8. Chalupa, Red Bull even with out the prune juice is nasty and tastes like Hell. I drank it once, never again. All it would do if you mixed is them cause a case of explosive diarrhea or a fart so loud that it would put Seahawks fans cheering (the 12) to shame at Century Link Field.

  9. What a royal fucktard. Gridlock is by design. We don’t need these corrupt assholes working full time, spending our money only to take away more of our freedom every day.

    Our federal government should only meet for 3 months every 2 years and every law should automatically sunset and be revoted on every 2 years.

  10. Commenter “Gabriel” had the best response to bush’s sorry-assed whining (from Conservative Treehouse):

    “And hey Jeb!, Sorry if no one sheds a tear for you. Thanks to you and all the other spineless ones that followed in your path, there are a lot of people out there now that no longer have the money or the life that they once had, and have nothing else to do other than sit around and be miserable.

    Please tell us about all the “cool” things you could be doing you worthless little whiner.”

  11. Particularly any law concerning taxation.

    There is no sane reason on Earth that one Congress should have the power to tax later generations.

    And NO elected or appointed “official” should get a raise. EVER! They took the job at that pay, and that’s where it should stay. No one forces them to lie, cheat, steal, and run for office.

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