Jeff Goldblum questioned the anti-woman and anti-homosexual nature of many Muslim-majority countries around the world and has now been cancelled by Twitter's left-wing hate mob. Despite the fact many Muslims fled to the USA precisely to leave their religion’s medievalists behind.
— Darren Grimes (@darrengrimes_) April 25, 2020
11 Comments on Jeff Goldblum Attacked By Lemming Leftists For Questioning Islam’s Anti-Gay Anti-Women Dogma
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Freaken amazing. Who knew? Jeff Goldblum is still alive.
Fascists behaving like fascists.Let’s see if goldblum remains a useful idiot.
Goldblum must be incredibly stupid and naive. He can never win leftist brownie points criticizing the left’s “muscle” Islam. Sadly, he has no clue how much shiite he stepped in trying to defend LGBTQ and feminitwits.
It’s too far fetched to believe he has enough sense to become conservative or understand conservative ideals.
REgressives don’t realize that they would be right behind the homos getting thrown off high buildings or hung from cranes if moslims were in charge.
These mofos aren’t fucking around, they’re serious as heart attacks. You can call them 7th century throwbacks all day long and it won’t change the fact there are a billion or so of them that want us dead. They would happily dance in the streets if a nuclear terrorist attack leveled NYC.
It’s madness beyond belief to allow any moslim to emigrate here.
Am I the only one who loves the fact that ulta-conservative muslims who oppress women, and murder homosexuals have politically teamed up with ultra radical feminists and homosexuals?
Their only common denominator is hating America, I guess that glue is strong enough to hold for now. . .
WTF? A collection of morons on some contrived discussion panel and acting like they’re offering reasoned and thoughtful views while responding to a couple of sexual deviant’s.
This is what the culture has devolved into?
{Personally I’d toss those two freaks off a high rooftop too, and the entire panel to boot!}
Mithrandrir – you could say that if the 1861 Civil War was the War Between The States, then the Lefts pending civil war between Mohammedans and Gays & Feminists will be the War Between The Hates
Goldblum is a mud shark. Maybe he’s just afraid of being thrown off a building or burning in a cage. The left has always been a circular firing squad, just ask Leon trotsky
izlam is a fundamentally homosexual society.
The few fags that get thrown off buildings and are hanged are the stand-outs who have threatened the leadership of exposure.
Dancing boys? C’mon. Who dafuq wants to see some mincing boys prancing around?
I don’t even think women enjoy that sh.. stuff.
Remember the Iranians celebrating their nuclear coup over Obola? Sissy-boys dancing around with cyalumes? Pretty fukkin queer. Not “pretty” fukkin queer, but pretty fukkin queer! As in: seriously strange. Nobody could miss the faggoty faggishness of that! Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but why do they pretend they aren’t? That’s the real question.
Goldblum should have learned long ago to keep his yap shut – he’s in that PC cesspool up to his ears – and has been for decades.
izlamo delenda est …
Young boy gets rear slammed by adult male……book says ok.
Adult man gets rear slammed by another adult male… says “fly homos fly”
It’s all age dependent according to their prophet and book.
They all need Jesus.