Jeff Sessions Reportedly Revives Probe Of Uranium One Deal – IOTW Report

Jeff Sessions Reportedly Revives Probe Of Uranium One Deal

Here’s Huffpoop’s nervous reporting-

The Justice Department is reviving an inquiry into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the government’s controversial approval of the Uranium One deal, NBC News reported on Thursday.

A now-dormant FBI investigation into whether Clinton had ties to the deal has not found evidence of wrongdoing. But NBC, citing “multiple law enforcement officials,” reported that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has in recent weeks directed Justice Department prosecutors to ask FBI agents to explain evidence uncovered in the probe.

Uranium One, a Canadian mining company with major U.S. holdings, was sold in 2010 to a Russian firm. Before the sale could go through, it needed approval from nine U.S. agencies, including the State Department. Because some of the people who stood to benefit from the sale were Clinton Foundation donors, conservative media and other critics of the 2016 presidential nominee have alleged a quid pro quo, even though the State Department didn’t have the power to unilaterally approve or reject the deal and Clinton herself was not directly involved in the approval process.

Following pressure from President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans, Sessions last month said he would consider appointing a new special counsel to look into Clinton and Uranium One, as well as other matters involving Democrats. Sessions pledged during his confirmation hearing last year that he would recuse himself from any possible investigations involving Clinton.

The Uranium One obsession among Trump and his allies has increased in recent months as Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe intensifies into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. Four people have been charged, including former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.


Here’s the NYDN’s report which reports how Hillary has claimed “mistakes” were made-

Uranium One’s chairman Ian Tefler, also Canadian, also donated more than $2 million as his company was in the middle of being acquired, though the donations were not originally reported.

Clinton’s camp has denied any wrongdoing, saying it made a mistake in not reporting the Tefler donation and that she was not involved in the deliberations that led the State Department to approve the deal.

The story has come back in the news, however, as The Hill reported in October and November that FBI agents had been gathering evidence of alleged racketeering by an employee of Rosatom working in the U.S. at the time who would award contracts in exchange for kickbacks.

Sessions told Congress that the matter was not related to the Uranium One approval process, and the Hill reports only cite that an undercover agent spoke about the deal by someone working for Rosatom and that the agent was told the Russian firm was contracting with some unidentified business that also donated to the Clinton foundation.

11 Comments on Jeff Sessions Reportedly Revives Probe Of Uranium One Deal

  1. SoS Clinton caused tens of thousands of official gov’t emails to be erased. She used various methods including Bleach Bit and smashing cell phones. She illegally used an unsecure server (and caused that server’s security to be disabled). Emails were transferred to the laptop of Anthony Weiner for “safekeeping” for some reason. The focus of the Clinton Email Scandal has been on her failure to protect classified gov’t information. I don’t think nearly enough attention — at least in the public’s view — has been on what she destroyed, the contents of those emails. Over the years there have been various document dumps of her recovered emails and the entire situation seems like it has been purposely splintered or divvied up among various levels of the legal system, from D.C. courts to Congressional oversight. But none of these efforts seem to intersect, confirm or otherwise create a full picture of the larger crimes being covered up. How, for example, can the DoJ refuse to comply with document requests made by the DoJ? That doesn’t even make sense. And how can the FBI which is directly subordinate to the DoJ do the same? Something is NOT right.

  2. The Alabama Possum has been laying in wait all this while, allowing his intended victims to further incriminate and beclown themselves. Everyone thinks he’s sleeping, and they pay him little mind.

    Then, and only then, he swoops in, and jails the lot of them!

    Can this be true? If so, I’ll need no more presents for Christmas this year!

  3. I hope all the little players in this start getting no-knock visits at 3 in the morning.
    Their little lives upended, their tawdry secrets spilled out.
    Then sweet deals dangled like pearls in front of them.
    “The higher up the chain you can lead us, the sweeter the deal we’ll give you. Hell, you might not ever see the inside of a courtroom if you do us right”

  4. I wonder whether most of the “probe” has already been done and now the fun begins by asking the FBI or DOJ officials involved in burying this scandal questions that they already know the answer to and watch to see who starts lying.
    Boy, if Sessions has been playing rope-a-dope all this time a lot of pairs of underwear in DC needs changing right about now and Hillary into her second or fifth bottle of gin.

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