Jeff Walz May Have Something To Say – IOTW Report

Jeff Walz May Have Something To Say

Tampon Tim has a brother…


JUST IN: Tim Walz’s brother says he is considering joining forces with Trump, says his brother is “not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.” Jeff Walz’s Facebook profile was discovered by


who found several stunning posts. “The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future,” he said in a comment. “Haven’t spoke to him in 8 years. I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology.” “My family wasn’t given any notice that he was selected and denied security the days after.” All the comments stemmed from a March 30, 2023 post after Trump was convicted where Jeff Walz said: “We’ve just become a third world banana republic.”

9 Comments on Jeff Walz May Have Something To Say

  1. Geeze, this Tim guy. He deserts his men before combat, deserts his citizens before BLM, and now it seems he deserts his birth family as well.

    …Im sensing a pattern here…

  2. Harris/Walz is a perfect storm. The effort to cheat these lying morons into the presidency is like the bridge over the River Kwai. No fucking way.

    Let’s get the bets going.

  3. Oh hum. Tim Walz is a giant smelly Va Jay Jay. Zero testo. Unable to get a stiffy. That’s probably why his wife is also angry. Dear Ms Walz, for ten thousand dollars I’ll lay pipe for an hour. Yes I’m a whore, but I’m not cheap. LOL. Unlike your husbutt.

  4. Whoever runs things for real and chose Walz is just flaunting their ideology / philosophy / power in the American people’s faces by choosing him. It’s a pattern. When you don’t think things could get worse after suffering Biden’s insane policies, it progressively does get worse – much worse. Absolutely nothing has been done that has been positive for the people in almost 4-years.. They’re just attempting to condition us for things to come – flat out tyranny / communism.

  5. Jeff Walz knows what his brother is capable of, and he knows that if his brother somehow gets into the WH as VP, it won’t be long before he’s President, at least behind the scenes.Tampon Tim is a dirty, lying, fascist snake, and he’ll do whatever it takes.

    Kamala is an empty suit who is in over her head, and she’ll be relegated to being Walz’s puppet. Walz knows who really runs the show, though, and it’s not him, but he’ll be glad to be their puppet. And their puppeteer for Kamala.

    TPTB are looking for a tyrant, and they’ve found him in Minnesota Mussolini, but they have to bring him in the back door. I guarantee that Jeff Walz knows how this is all going to shake out if they install Kamala.

    Tim Walz plays the unthreatening clown foil to Kamala now, but if you watch that pathetic excuse of an interview on CNN, he was for all intents and purposes Kamala’s daddy.

    Kamala was her same, predictable, drunken self, but Tim showed a side of himself which most people haven’t seen. And you know he was right in the middle of the massive editing which was done later. He’s in it to win it, even if he has to kick Kamala across the finish line. Ask his brother if I am wrong.

  6. Thanks, Jeff, for the heads up. I think most of us figured out Tampon Timmy already.
    But as John McClane said, “Welcome to the party, pal.”


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