Jeffrey Epstein Investigation Still Active, Ghislaine Maxwell, Others, Could Face Additional Charges – IOTW Report

Jeffrey Epstein Investigation Still Active, Ghislaine Maxwell, Others, Could Face Additional Charges


More charges could be coming for those involved with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, including his alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, who was arrested last month for allegedly procuring underage girls to be sexually abused by Epstein and for lying about her involvement under oath.

The New York Post reported that the grand jury investigation that resulted in Epstein and Maxwell’s arrests “remains active, according to court papers filed Friday.”

“Federal prosecutors in Maxwell’s criminal case revealed the ongoing investigation in a letter urging a judge to block her from filing newly obtained information in civil cases against her,” the outlet reported. “The documents, which Maxwell’s attorneys have called ‘critical new information,’ could jeopardize their ongoing investigation if it is allowed to be filed in the civil cases.”


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