Jeffrey Epstein used Bill Clinton’s name to coerce 15-year-old into sexual assault: Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Jeffrey Epstein used Bill Clinton’s name to coerce 15-year-old into sexual assault: Lawsuit

JTN: A lawsuit filed last November by one of Jeffrey Epstein’s accusers claims that the deceased convicted sex offender on at least one occasion used his association with former President Bill Clinton to communicate “how powerful he [Epstein] was” while he groomed her for an unwilling, underage sexual encounter.

The suit, filed against Epstein’s estate following the sex offender’s jail-cell suicide, alleges that the plaintiff, identified as “Jane Doe 15,” was “preyed upon” and “sexually abused” by Epstein when she was just 15. 

The complaint alleges that the plaintiff came into Epstein’s orbit during a class trip to New York, during which her sister, a model at the time, introduced her to Epstein.  more

4 Comments on Jeffrey Epstein used Bill Clinton’s name to coerce 15-year-old into sexual assault: Lawsuit

  1. Drip, drip, drip. It just keeps coming out in drips and drabs. I hope it wears on him like a Chinese water torture.

    But sadly it won’t. The main has no guilt, conscience or moral compass. Plus he knows that he has cover from dnc propaganda arm.

  2. I can’t stand the authorities deciding what the public can and can’t see. Who the hell do they think they are?
    Were it anyone but public figures we’d know every detail of their crimes but I guess police cater to influential people as apposed to the rest of us trash.

  3. @BEG – I understand your comment and I make no excuses for bad parenting, but I would bet that this girl’s family life was sadly not uncommon. From the article:

    “…The plaintiff, purportedly a child of divorce whose mother moved around a great deal, was told that Epstein “was interested in helping girls who were in difficult circumstances and needed assistance…”

    No mention of the Dad – probably not involved in her life – and a mother who moved a lot, for whatever reason. No roots or stability – a recipe for disaster. Of course, it still begs the question, where was the mother? But I suspect she had issues of her own.


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