Jemele Hill calls for black athletes to leave ‘white’ colleges – IOTW Report

Jemele Hill calls for black athletes to leave ‘white’ colleges


Former ESPN host Jemele Hill — now a staff writer for The Atlantic — argues in her controversial first article for the magazine that black college athletes should leave predominantly white schools.

The article, titled, “It’s Time for Black Athletes to Leave White Colleges,” has drawn a range of responses — including assertions that Hill is “pro-segregation” or even “racist.”

In the article, which appears in The Atlantic’s October issue, Hill argues that black athletes help attract money and attention to “predominately white universities that showcase them,” while Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) continue to struggle.

She writes that mostly white schools’ multibillion-dollar revenues have been built on the “exertions of (uncompensated) black athletes,” claiming that an elite black athlete attending an HBCU raises awareness of the institution, whose endowments combined are less than a tenth of Harvard’s.


Fine. No more subsidies for black students who are academic underachievers at “white” colleges.

Go for it.

21 Comments on Jemele Hill calls for black athletes to leave ‘white’ colleges

  1. So I just walk away from a free education and turn down all future endorsement and career prospects just to help your broke ass out.

    Nigga’, get the fuk out my new car.

  2. So, she works where? If there are any white people working there (and especially if it’s owned by a white person), she needs to quit.

    Better find a job at a company owned by a black person.

  3. Someday Africans will accept the mantra of their ignored hero MLK and will agree that we should be judged on the content of our character and not our other distinguishing markers!

  4. I have an idea. How about if everyone does what they want. Blacks do what they want, whites do what they want, mixed races do what they want – all at the individual level, not as a group. Associate with whomever you want.
    And then stop screaming at other people for not acting the way you want them to act! As long as people aren’t breaking the law I don’t care, and I want them to leave me to my actions as well.

  5. Hell, let them leave if they want to. The NFL took a kick in the balls over the kneeling crap if all the black players started coming from black colleges how long would you think it would be before the largest NFL audience screamed racism. Yep, whites will finally recognize that reparations have been going on for years now and payback is complete.
    I also suspect that the degrees from these all black colleges would become worthless over time. I know it sounds racist but it really isn’t. I’m only against these race warriors of any color as well as multi-millionaire black athletes that rage about just how bad things are. If it’s that bad then maybe give up your salaries, the drugs, the women, the mansions, the assaults and your ego and do something about those urban jungles.

  6. What she is saying is literally the only selling point that HBCUs have ever used to boost enrollment, my young brutha.

    They are irredeemably racist institutions built on self-segregation. If the theory of why HBCUs are necessary is applicable to higher education, why isn’t it valid everywhere else?

    Housing, restaurants, water fountains.

  7. Can’t say that I really GAF one way or the other.

    Dexter Manley graduated from college (Oklahoma State, I believe) and couldn’t read.

    You have to make an effort – somewhere along the line.

    If they’d be better served at Spelman, Howard, and Morehouse, then that’s where they should go.

    izlamo delenda est …


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