Jen Psaki ‘out of the office’ as Biden remains silent on Taliban takeover of Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Jen Psaki ‘out of the office’ as Biden remains silent on Taliban takeover of Afghanistan


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is taking a break from her duties at the same time as controversy surrounds the silence of President Joe Biden, who is on vacation while the Taliban quickly seizes control of Afghanistan.

Fox News sent questions to Psaki’s White House email address Sunday morning and received an auto-reply. Hours later, on Sunday evening, Fox News attempted once again to reach the White House spokeswoman. The same auto-reply, stating that the voice of the White House would not be available for the next week, was sent.

“I will be out of the office from August 15th-August 22nd,” read the email returned to Fox News. Instead, Psaki’s reply directs the press to reach out to other press officers in her absence.

The timing of Psaki’s time off comes as Biden has faced criticism for remaining on vacation as the Taliban seize control of much of Afghanistan, even moving into the capital city of Kabul and seizing the presidential palace at a pace that has caught the White House off guard.

Biden has remained mostly silent on the issue, a fact not lost on many of the president’s critics.

“Where is Joe Biden,” asked Rep. Jim Banks, a Navy veteran who served in Afghanistan, asked on Twitter as the crisis unfolded Sunday.


26 Comments on Jen Psaki ‘out of the office’ as Biden remains silent on Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

  1. I guess Ms CircleBack took the old saying, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”, to heart.

    Here’s a spoiler alert sweetheart, it’s going to be even hotter when you return.

  2. The White House is officially a Boat with a Senile Captain, no rudder, low on fuel, taking on water, and the engineering crew in the brig while the band entertains the guests during dinner.

  3. The part I really like is now they are telling American Citizens still stuck in Kabul, to hide in place, you’re on your own. Get ready for dragged down the street videos like Benghazi.

  4. Biden and the orange bozo clown-haired woman are actually both in hiding. That ‘vacation’ thing is clown-speak for ‘let’s get the eff outta here’.

  5. Afghanistan has fallen.
    Inflation is ballooning.
    Gas prices are through the roof.
    The border is non-existent.
    The country is effectively leaderless.
    But, hey! No mean tweets!

  6. Looks like they discovered that their boat is taking on water. Now they are busy drilling holes in the bottom to try and let the water out. What a clown show.

  7. Be aware that what these Biden administration scumbags are doing is concocting yet another new narrative pivot for their vermin followers to parrot.

    I’d wager than in order to shield themselves from accusations of caving to the Taliban, they’re going to just claim they’re going to focus on the “domestic Taliban”, i.e. conservatives and Trump supporters, to justify going to war with half of the US.

    These worthless woke cunts have humiliated themselves in front of the World, and they’re going to look for what they think are easy targets to shit on publicly in order to feel powerful again. And it’s going to be people like us.

  8. Humiliating, Biden’s afghanistan shit show. While his Joint Chief’s leader Milley Vanilli reads up on Marxism and the role he plays. Incompetence everywhere you look on every issue.

  9. @The Dirt Ball, and those American citizens “MUST fill out the form for assistance”. An online form. For assistance. While the savage Tallybon are rounding up everyone they don’t like for torture. That must be a comfort to them.

  10. Reminds me of that funny old meme showing that young woman fleeing her own shop to evade an interview by a project veritas reporter. Appropos for Jen Psucki. What stunning incompetence!

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