Jenner is So Lost – IOTW Report

Jenner is So Lost

Bruce Jenner says he had his penis inverted into a vagina back in January, so he isn’t going to have sex with women any longer.

He says he never had sex with a man before, and never had that desire. But now that he has a hole…”hey, why not?”

Does this sound lucid?

Does this sound like someone who was “born in the wrong body?”

Doesn’t this sound like someone who is just lost? How can someone just make arbitrary decisions on who to have sex with because of how their physical body changed?

I doubt an injured war veteran who had the misfortune of losing their male genitals would simply say, ‘I guess I’ll have sex with men now.”



57 Comments on Jenner is So Lost

  1. I have grappled with the Jenner corundum.
    Is he really a half fast woman or is he a man who wondered how the other sex felt.
    When confused, always refer to the profound knowledge of the deputy.
    “He’s a nut, Andy, he’s a nut!” Barney

  2. Yes, lost. Maybe even bored with his life. Was a time when your sexual escapades, regardless of kind, were a private matter — and for good reason. At the very least, let’s start with that. Who goes around telling a national audience about their sexual proclivities? Just from that perspective, he’s not a normal, decent person. He seems to look upon his own life as an abnormally curious outsider with no sense at all of basic modesty.

  3. The doctors that encouraged his mental illness and mutilated him should be prosecuted. Of course that won’t happen. They will probably be given some medals for saving mankind. Oops. Never mind.

  4. This is a response to the hormone overbalancing or therapy or whatever treatment comes from dickering with hormones. How old is he, like 70 and still pissing around with who to fuck? Golly, I’m 43 and have a ticker tape parade on the rare occasion Russel wakes up for a show and he even more rarely sticks around to see the ending.

  5. Being that my handicap has skyrocketed from 12 to 19, I think I’ll identify as a female this year and join the Lady’s Club. This way I can play from the red tees with them and listen to them bitch and moan about slow play, and join them combing their hair and touching up their lipstick on the Tee box, instead of hitting a fucking ball and moving out. I know, I’m a sick ranger.

  6. Sorry, but I have to share this thought I just had.

    How would you like to be the guy fooling around with “Caitlyn”, possibly even thinking you were involved with a normal woman, when, without any warning, an internal stitch comes loose and suddenly that thing that was inverted pops out and assumes its former shape?

    I’m not sure if there’s any limit to the amount of money I would pay for a video of that event. I might even have to mortgage the house.


  7. My Pop told me a story from his younger days. He got around. Anyway, he and a friend went to Tijuana. They wandered about and soon came across venues with all kind of different “shows” going on. You could just wander on in, pay a buck, and watch the show. One show was a woman and a donkey. Late in the day Pop and his friend each picked up a chick over drinks. I assume they were hookers. Anyway, they each got a room to hang out with their new lady-friend and get better acquainted. Soon my Pop says that he heard screaming and banging on the walls and all king of loud noises. He rushes out to his friends room to find that the “woman” his buddy was snuggling with turned out to be a dude! A dude that got the crap beat out of it. I believe every word of that story, but I was surprised that my father would tell it to me!

  8. Sick old Brucie found out that he had to become mighty weird and perverted in order to keep up with his retarded family members and help keep them all in the limelight (what’s a little penis compared to notoriety and fortune)!

  9. Poor benighted old lost soul.

    Brain damage from long term drug abuse? Alcoholism? TIA mini strokes?
    When he first got drawn into the Kardashian’s black hole, I’m sure he never saw himself first in lipstick, then amputating his 70 year old penis in a failing search for attention as a national laughingstock.

    He’s a pawn. Mentally ill. Pathetic and pitiful.

  10. i’m pretty sure it’s still down there swingin in the wind……even brucie has limits…..publicity is ALMOST everything…..but the guy is still a guy, and knows it…..

    remember…’s a REALITY show…….lol

  11. My friend Bruce & I had many adventures. We hiked Death Valley, kayaked Hell’s Gate, climbed the Suicide Peaks, and skied Dead Man’s Pass. Still, I never thought he would try the Johnson Cutoff.

  12. Poor Bruce, he went to the Doctor with a disorder, and they maimed him for his trouble, Okey-doking the poor bastard and taking his money.
    They will weep big tears at his funeral when he offs himself, too.

  13. You want TMI; I’ll give you TMI…

    There is virtually no feeling in a banana split and tucked inside. Try it Bruce, but be sure to go heavy on the K-Y or you may have to back to the Chop Shop for repairs.

    And you wonder why there are so many trans suicides?


  14. My youngest daughters name is Caitlin, we call her Caity. She was born in 1988, little did we know Caitlin would become a very popular name. She’s OK with it but wishes people would pronounce it or spell it right as there are many variations of its spelling and pronunciation. At the time we named her that we though it was a unique name.

  15. VV, you are right, I don’t appreciate the comedy of thinking you’re with a lady only to find out she is a dude. In fact I’ve hab nightmares of that very thing.

  16. No amount of surgery, clothing, make up or hormones can correct immorality and insanity.

    The physicians who performed this atrocity should have their licenses suspended. They know they are enabling mental illness and mutilating him.

  17. @joe6pak: Probably 99% of the guys who say that they thought they were with a lady actually knew what they were dealing with in the first place. I mean, you’d have to be pretty drunk not to figure it out beforehand.

    And some of the rest just decided to play the hand they were dealt.

    If you catch my drift, that is.


  18. I wasn’t aware that he had the chopadickoffofme surgery.
    That poor bastard is insane. He belongs in a padded cell for his own good.
    What a sad motherfucker or fatherfucker or brotherfucker or what ever he is.
    You don’t want to be a circus freak. You went from the peak of being an Olympic champion all the way to rock bottom as the lowest form of human identity.
    Jump off a bridge Bruce. Get it over with.

  19. Jenner is lying in bed with his new boy friend. After sec Jenner is fondling the boy friends dick.
    The boy friend says, why are you always playin’ with my dick after sex?
    Jenner says, oh I miss my own.

  20. If Bruce does finally transition to a woman would that mean he’s still the women’s record holder in the decathlon. And wouldn’t he actually hold a few individual women’s world records in track and field? I mean, his 100 meter and 400 meter dash times are better than the current women’s world records

    And he’s always been a woman, right? Just like Eurasia has always been at war with Eastasia, right?

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