Jenner: ‘Looking Into’ Running for Office – IOTW Report

Jenner: ‘Looking Into’ Running for Office

Breitbart: Friday during an interview on the BBC with host Victoria Derbyshire, transgender advocate Caitlyn Jenner said she was considering running for office to promote LGBT issues from within the Republican Party.

When asked about going into politics, Jenner said, “I have been asked that question quite a bit, to be honest with you over the next year I’m looking into it. I want to know, and I have to be very smart about this—where can I do a better job for my community, in bringing the Republican Party around when it comes to all LGBT issues? Is it from the outside? Kind of working on the outside and in the perimeter and working with everybody to get the Republicans to change their thinking? Or is it better off being on the inside and actually running for a Congress or Senate seat or whatever it may be? Can I do more good there? And those are the things that I am evaluating.”


38 Comments on Jenner: ‘Looking Into’ Running for Office

  1. Heh BRUCE, yes, that’s your name, it isn’t Caityln, Peggy, or Linda, it’s BRUCE, the name your parents gave to you. You couldn’t even be elected for dog catcher, or garbage sorter, just go away. You’re a disgrace to your parents and children, and to society in general.

  2. Why not? The entire Democrat party is mentally ill, anyway.

    (I had a hey day at Goodwill yesterday, finding several wonderful things for my mom’s closet. Everything I bought was brand new, some still with their original tags. And I even covet a few of the shirts — one gorgeous, cream-colored silk which is going to stay in my closet ($12.99). Just as I was wrapping it up there, I thought I’d take a look at their shoes (I don’t buy shoes at Goodwill) just for fun. As I rounded the corner to the shoe aisle, there was a man about 6’4″ or so standing in front of the size 11 women’s shoe rack. After noticing him, generally, I looked down to see he was wearing a very large pair of women’s trendy short boots and he was inspecting a very large pair of women’s snake skin heels. I then looked closer at him; he sported a red baseball cap and an ordinary, though somewhat overgrown, haircut. No makeup, just an ordinary guy in a baseball cap, blue jeans and a plain cloth jacket. As I walked behind him and then around the other end of the aisle it was then that I noticed he also sported enormous boobs(!) nearly spilling over the bra he also wore which was barely concealed by his shirt. Now, I’ll tell you, it’s one thing to read about male transexuals, but it’s quite another to see one in the wild, and it’s a real shocker. There is something so fundamentally wrong with the picture. He was ordinary looking in every way and then that! I’d thought he was looking at shoes for the gal in his life — and as it turned out, he was. )

  3. If jenner does run, it will further draw out the sick double standard of the left….alternate lifestyle don’t count unless you are a progressive. I say go for it.

  4. @Abby, years ago I was out of the office when the word was put out, “Tranny on Board!”.
    This fellow phone interviewed as a guy and showed up as a woman. Got back, walked in and spied the ugliest, skinniest, tallest woman I had ever seen bent over the copier. Red dress, huge floppy feet in red spike heels and an obvious red wig. None of the women wore heels because we were up on a mezzanine, the stairs were slotted steel.
    I hadn’t even finished my coffee when I was summoned, expecting to have to fill the boss in about my trip, I gathered up my notes and went.
    Sat down and was personally counseled about inappropriate comments, yeah, I had a rep.
    OK, no problem, somebody should tell him not to wear heels.
    Boss glared and said: “I said, no comments.”
    Didn’t last a week, went to lunch, caught a heel in the stair step and fell, broke it’s collar bone and a concussion, never came back. Speculation, it was a lawsuit setup.
    I still smile when I think about the schadenfreude.
    Eight years later when I retired, the guy who had hired him was still getting a flower left on his desk by jokers with a note: “Thinking of you. Lisa.”
    He had interviewed as Larry.

  5. He couldn’t be successful in sports anymore, so he wanted to be a part of the Kadashian girls’ hooplah.

    After seeing the decisions he’s made, who would want him in any gov position?

  6. Warren/Jenner 2020.

    To improve the demo, Jenner could “identify as black”. They could be the Indian/Black ticket.

    The campaign logo could be a Flying Pig.

  7. I just don’t get it !
    He actually PAID someone Money to SLICE his PENIS Off with a knife !!!
    Why ? What does He want, does he want a MAN inside of him or just to accessorize with pretty Lady Dresses.
    I still don’t get it !

  8. Hillary Clinton.
    Michelle Obama.
    Nancy Pelosi.
    Elizabeth Warren.
    The hawt womyn of the national Democratic Party.

    And, now:
    Caitlyn Jenner.
    (Just who the HELL does she think she is? That she can just waltz in here and take over? Just because of that pert 67 year old ass!)

  9. If he would sit down, shut up and go about his business, it would pass.
    Asking, nay, demanding aberrant behaviour be celebrated, is a bridge to far.
    Why yes, I am advocating he keep his sexual proclivities to himself, just as everybody with a little class does.

  10. “S/he/it is an adult. So long as s/he/it is not bothering you why do you care and why is your opinion relevant?”

    As long as he is all over the media spewing his insanity, I am allowed to voice my opinion that he is bat shit crazy. My opinion is relevant because it is bat shit crazy whack jobs like Bruce that is destroying this country and it’s culture.

  11. “Just wait ’till s/he/it adopts a little Kenyan and starts breastfeeding in public. Hey, you never know.”

    LOL! You made me spit my diet Coke, Moe Tom. 😀

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