Jenner releases campaign ad for California governor run – IOTW Report

Jenner releases campaign ad for California governor run

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ht/ c. steven tucker

37 Comments on Jenner releases campaign ad for California governor run

  1. I can see this happening. Schwarzenegger got elected because the voters were done with politicians and because they knew who he was. Heck, Trump got elected for very similar reasons. Of course The Governator didn’t turn out all that well, but frankly incompetence isn’t as bad as the semi-competent malevolence currently happening.

  2. ecr;

    “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”

    We’re all nuts in our own way but my spidey sense tells me that this is going to be devastating for the demrods.

  3. Like in “drain the swamp”? Good luck with that. You’re dealing with 2 of the biggest swamp rats in Congress. The only upside of that is … their ages.

  4. What a twisted, twisted world. This mental case needs to be put away, not put on a pedastal.

    I dont care how much conservativism he spouts, he’s screwed in the head.

  5. DAN

    I beg to differ!
    The 1st year Arny was gov he was the most conservative Gov by far!
    Here are just a few of the very conservative things he did before GWB said “Rudder hard protecting and we’ll run you for President. – both the top 2 in ’08 WERE NOT NATIVE AMERICAAN!; Bush’s lie was not far fetched.

    1. Cut Workers’s Comp tax 50%.
    2. Cut subsidy of “wind farms” 50%.
    3. Totally abolished the new car tax.

    If you want more ask; as a civilian I was a “bean counter”; I got more.

    When he spoke at the RNC I said that man is an imposter. He clearly was a liberal Bush by ’04,.
    I have been a Ronny D for 70 years; but from 11/03 to 6/04 Army was more conservative. In 6/04 Mr Hyde became Dr. Jekyll! Stayed Dr. J for rest of his life!


  7. This is a clown.

    I cannot understand what would make a man want to dress up like a woman, spend years undergoing all kinds of surgeries. Then again, the whole family is sick this way.

    Unless he wants to really come out and explain what is behind this — which according to “sources” has been going on prety much since he was a young man — and come clean about where his judgment also is screwed up or explain why it is not… then no, just no.

  8. geoff the aardvark MAY 4, 2021 AT 8:16 PM
    “An ol ex jarhead, don’t confuse the non Navy types, port is to the left and starboard is to the right. And a rudder is what you steer a ship with.”

    …I’mn not a Navy man, never was, and my boating experience has been limited to captaining rented party barges, rowing skiffs at the local parks when their indifferently serviced outboards stop working, and badgering riverboat captains during dinner cruises; but precisely because of my relative lack of sea legs, I can offer this primer on boat talk for lubbers like me. You Navy guys feel free to correct anything I have wrong, I freely admit that I can certainly get boat stuff wrong, since I don’t even like the spelling of “Yacht”, and think “Yot” or “wat” makes more sense for that. Anyway, FWIW…

    Companionway – A staircase if it were on land.

    Gangway – A hallway if it were on land, not to be confused with yelling “GANGWAY!” as you run to the rail to throw up.

    Leeward – The direction to throw up in.

    Windward – The direction not to.

    Port – Port is the color of red wine and so is your face if you call Port right because you’re wrong.

    Starbord – The right side of the boat that has a light as green as most people’s boat experience.

    Deck – The floor on a boat, but it can also be the celing above you, which is confusing in a storm if you don’t know which one you’re standing on.

    Bridge – The place where they steer the ship from, but they get mad for some reason if you use it to go from left to right all the time, even though it’s called a “Bridge”.

    Bow – The pointy part of the boat in front. Also what you do at the rail on the leeward side to throw up in.

    Stern – The round part of the boat in back. Also the Captain’s face if you throw up windward out the bridge window.

    Athwartship – The way you were walking to cross the bridge from port to starbord that made the Captain so mad, especially when you threw up out the windward window.

    …seems like I remember reading parts of this somewhere but I can’t attribute it because I don’t recall where. My brain is walking athwartship these days too, after all.

    …anyway, hope this helps…

  9. The opening of the commercial states “famed Olympic medalist Kaitlyn Jenner”…..Bruce Jenner won Olympic gold, not Kaitlyn. Starting off your campaign with a whopper like that doesn’t set him apart from any other 2-bit pol.

  10. erb
    MAY 5, 2021 AT 8:17 AM
    “…Starting off your campaign with a whopper like like that doesn’t set him apart from any other 2-bit pol.”

    …but the whopper is IS said to have may very well set him apart from the other pols if he forgets he’s wearing a short dress during a live interview and sits like the man he is…


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