Jerk – IOTW Report



A video clip from the disastrous DNC convention is going viral online. It’s a brief moment captured on film where Tim and his family are walking out on stage for their big moment, and Tim is seen “yanking” his son. More

The 17-year-old Gus is diagnosed neurodivergent with social anxiety. He’s also described as having a “nonverbal learning disability” or NVLD.

37 Comments on Jerk

  1. if he was ‘leading’ Gus onstage, and as they say, he pulled him to avoid a teleprompter, then I’d say walz is the one with “difficulty with spatial perception,” as demonstrated by the path he chose.
    now he wants to lead our country on harris’ chosen path.
    ain’t gonna be no smooth sailing with their way
    jerks going to jerk our world around

  2. Lefties are going crazy over the supposed mocking of the kid by conservatives. Of course his dad dragged him out there to use him as a prop – and conservatives were rightfully going after Tim for doing so.

  3. Its fucking evil to even bring his child into this situation, as nothing about his stated disabilities makes being dragged in front of bright lights and a huge crowd something he should be subjected to, especially by someone who’s SUPPOSED to love and understand him.

    And for what? A campaign glamor shot? Only if you think of him as a PROP instead of a SON.

    …hell, even with my years and experiences, I would not do well in that situation, Im just not a “bright lights” guy, and THIS kid’s lived a FAR more sheltered life than ME. Awolz is lucky he didnt start running and screaming, or collapse into catatonia. Sure, hes probably stood up at Senatorial media confabs and such, but I suspect this was considerably louder and brighter than the shows Minnesota puts on, and given the extremely high level evil attendees, the kid likely got manhandled by incometent SS goons before Tyrant Tim laid a hand on him.

    Its one thing to share your moments with family; its quite another to FORCE them to whether they want to or NOT.

    …and manhandling special needs children is an ABSOLUTE no-no. He may not understand the situation, but he certainly knows when hes being hurt. This is NOT going to build trust or make the situation more bearable later. Pause when he does, reassure him, then encourage him forwards if you must, but DONT abuse your child whatever his age just because youre worried about hitting your marks.

    …Its probably for the best Awolz skipped out on his men when they went into combat. Lord KNOWS what he would have yanked THEM into. He’d probably pull them in FRONT of him to save his OWN coward ass, then lie about it later because thats what Democrats do.

    …kinda makes you wonder what he’d yank US into as a nation to profit himself, nicht wahr?

    …if it doesnt, it SHOULD…

  4. This guy was a coach and a teacher? I bet his students thought he was a total creep and asshole. But they’ll clam up if asked about him, because behind all the uptwinkles and false compassion they know he’s a mean SOB. And he’s probably the same with his own kids. Wouldn’t be surprised to find out he was on Minnesota DFACS radar but they had to turn a blind eye on him.

  5. @ SNS SATURDAY, 24 AUGUST 2024, 14:55 AT 2:55 PM


    Along the litany of despicable behavior politicians engage in, using others as a prop when they aren’t into it is close as it gets to the bottom of the barrel.

  6. beachmom
    Saturday, 24 August 2024, 15:45 at 3:45 pm
    “Well he did have people shot with paintball guns, which hurt without the proper padding, for standing on their own front porches and yards.”

    …you can easily blind a person too, thats why players wear goggles. And a paintball is round and the marker is not rifled, so it isnt super accurate at longer ranges even if youre NOT trying to blind a guy…

  7. Thirdtwin
    Saturday, 24 August 2024, 14:56 at 2:56 pm
    “This guy was a coach and a teacher?”

    …I wonder how many peepholes he drilled in the locker room walls.

    Boys AND Girls…

  8. …if Awolz is the kind of “man” I think he is, the kind Ive seen many times before, every time someone mentions this he takes it out on his son…you can see by their interactions that “dad” has done more and worse before, and the boy knows theres worse to come later…

  9. @ Claudia SATURDAY, 24 AUGUST 2024, 14:35 AT 2:35 PM

    Yes. Tim was more concerned about how he looked for the show than being a loving father. Kind of surprised he even risked bringing him along if that was so important to him.

    When I see what looks like a decent Mom and kids in public and then she loses it over some slight thing that might make her look a less-than-perfect Mom, well lady, you just made yourself look bad. Just like Tim did here.

  10. “…I wonder how many peepholes he drilled in the locker room walls.”

    Which brings up the possibility he had tiny cameras and microphones inside the tampons he wants boys and girls to have for free.

    Eww. Just grossed myself out.

  11. He’s embarrassed and disgusted by his son, a very imperfect human being but who has a better soul and heart than his Dad. He’s jealous of him because of the purity of his son’s being. The word jerk doesn’t even begin to describe it. This is what I see.

  12. What a short-tempered, hateful weasel and bully. He has no patience for his son. His arm around his son’s shoulders would have been a gentle way to guide him around the stage.

    Obviously, Walz’s narcissist mindset can’t tolerate caring for the needs of others. It’s all about him. No one is safe from his contempt and neglect. Walz seems to have even less respect for his son because he has special needs.

    Just a hint of the damaging dysfunctional behavior that’s probably occurring privately in that family. He and his Nero wife are two of a kind. Wouldn’t be surprised if a Biden/Ashley situation exists between Walz and his daughter.

    The Democrats find the most demented psychos to be their leaders. KamalMao and Twinkle Toes Tim are proof.

  13. …well, now we know why he didnt want to go into combat.

    Soldiers are not mentally challenged 17 yos who have known nothing their whole lives but abuse.

    So when he started acting like this in combat, they would have justly fragged him, and he knew it…

  14. “…you know they gotta have the ‘goods’ on the guy, that’s how they work the strings…”

    That is the bottom line. And you can always tell by the angry, forceful, lockstep, dismissive response from their media when the puppet gets caught in something.

    And if they can get him past the stolen valor, the paintballs stuff and the revealing slip-ups caught on camera, you can be sure they’ve got something much darker on him to keep him in line later.


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