Jerry Brown Asks Trump for Aid — for the 4th Time – IOTW Report

Jerry Brown Asks Trump for Aid — for the 4th Time


California Gov. Jerry Brown asked President Donald Trump on Sunday for federal emergency assistance for the fourth time in just two months since the new administration took office, putting the nascent “CalExit” movement in a difficult position.

While advocates of California secession — both on the left and operating from abroad — have hoped to make the case that the Golden State can stand on its own, Brown’s repeated requests for help underline the fact that the world’s sixth-biggest economy is still dependent on the rest of the country.

The latest request, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, asks for money for flood relief, including for repairing the damaged spillways of the Oroville Dam, which nearly failed last month, resulting in the temporary evacuation of 200,000 residents downstream of the dam.

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27 Comments on Jerry Brown Asks Trump for Aid — for the 4th Time

  1. It’s worse than just sanctuary cities in CA. And I seriously question the “sixth largest economy…” stuff. That used to be true, but can they say that anymore? It might be their gross, but what is their net after taxes and fees?

  2. Old Moonbeam has the begging lamp lit. Why doesn’t he sit on a street corner in Hollyweird and sell some liberal pencils (filled with dope instead of lead) in order to make up the deficit?

  3. How about this, Jerry you ignorant bastard; stop spending my tax dollars on stupid shit like that idiotic bullet train just so people who can’t afford to live in the Bay Area can work there.
    How about stop funding every hand out and liberal ‘outreach’ project out of some alphabet group.
    How about you govern for the people who actually put a shoulder to the wheel.

  4. Quit paying benefits to millions of illegal aliens and California will have money to spend on needed repairs. Oh, yeah, and abandon the Bullet Train boondoggle!

  5. ” And I seriously question the “sixth largest economy…” stuff.”

    It’s bull shit. For God knows how long now, everyday you read about the major Corporations relocating out of California. Today it’s the parent company of Carls Jr. which also owns Hardees. They announced yesterday that they would be relocating their headquarters to Nashville.

  6. Jerry, your self made financial crisis should not be paid for by everyone else. Learn that your errant decisions have dire consequences that California and California alone must face.
    Assistance will come if you take responsible actions to alleviate your problems….. not until then.

  7. Jerry, you don’t get to ask for jack $hit. Remember when you said that California can stand on its own? Well, Trump is giving you that opportunity. The Aqua Duct is now failing (dropped 2 feet in some places), now the Oroville Dam. So. Californians will have very little water to waste now, suck it up Jerry!

  8. Hey Jerry, you were already given money to fix the Oroville dam a few years back, and you pissed it away on programs for illegal aliens. You shit the bed, now you can sleep in it.

  9. Jerry, Jerry, Jerry! Have you no shame?! Just start a gofundme page and see if the people want to support CA. I think the message from Trump is gof**kyou. You would probably get more support for a gof**kyou page anyway.

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