Jerry Brown Struggles to Respond to Climate ‘Denialists’ in Brussels – IOTW Report

Jerry Brown Struggles to Respond to Climate ‘Denialists’ in Brussels

Breitbart California: California Governor Jerry Brown struggled to respond to critics of his climate change policies when he brought his message to the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday.

The Sacramento Bee reports that Brown touted his state’s cap-and-trade system, and proposed that the European Union and the United States should create a common emissions market and implement a similar policy.

He also told European legislators that the “denial” camp was a “receding perspective.”


But Brown had trouble answering criticisms from the audience. MEP Steven Woolfe of the UK Independence Party  (UKIP) was the first to question Brown’s ideas, the Bee reports:

Steven Woolfe, a British politician on the parliament, was first to pierce the pleasantries, accusing Brown of supporting state intervention “at a huge scale” and spending and increasing taxes “like it’s going out of fashion.”

Brown’s climate change policy, he argued, isolates the state from much of the U.S. Woolfe dismissed California’s cap-and-trade carbon market as a “tax-and-spend” policy. And he teased the governor as potentially being interested in joining the European Union.

“I am sure you are well-meaning in wanting to protect the environment,” Woolfe said. “But do you not recognize that the policies you are implementing help the rich more than the poor, and make the poor suffer in the long-run?”  read more

5 Comments on Jerry Brown Struggles to Respond to Climate ‘Denialists’ in Brussels

  1. Name-calling.

    That’s really the only rebuttal they have isn’t it.

    Most liberals can’t explain themselves beyond a few talking points, they get frustrated, and name-call, storm off, change the subject.

  2. I’m excited about this new EPA “report” Trump allowed ’em to publish and the Times and WaPo are all gaga….. I’m waiting for Trump to ask the rats (who’ve now exposed themselves, come out of the walls) to defend the damn thing — against a panel of *brilliant* “deniers.

    4D chess…. …..Lady in Red

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