Jerry “Humpty Dumpty” Nadler – IOTW Report

Jerry “Humpty Dumpty” Nadler

Humpty Dumpty told a big lie,

Humpty Dumpty started to cry,

and all the Marxist media’s ability

couldn’t restore Humpty’s credibility.


Jerry Nadler says that an impeachment is nothing more than an undoing of a national election.

“…an undoing of a national election. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing is that … they are ripping asunder our votes. They are telling us our votes don’t count and the election must be set aside.”

17 Comments on Jerry “Humpty Dumpty” Nadler

  1. So, you’re saying he’s just full of shit, Supernightshade?

    I could tell a story about blowing shit tanks on a submarine, but I won’t. (But it was like sitting at one of those tables!)

  2. The clip by Supernightshade is from Monty Python’s “Meaning of Life.” The character is in fact Mr. Creosote, played by Terry Jones, with John Cleese as the sadistic waiter.

    Jerry Nadler is the “one thin mint” that may make the Democrat party explode.

  3. Why are guys named Jerry like Jerry Nadler, Jerry Rivers and Jerry Lewis such a bunch of pathetic losers and jerks. The French probably think that they’re all funny or somehow relevant, so why not we just give them all away to the cheese eating surrender monkeys.

  4. Oh yeah, saw Meaning of Life in a theater. There was much moaning, groaning, and ewwing by many in the audience just after Mr. Creosote said, “Better get me a bucket, I think I’m going to throw up.” Then started power barfing. Several left for a few minutes after he ate the mint. Joining some who had left earlier. I guess I have a sick sense of humor. I thought both the movie scene and audience participation was funny. Gross, but funny too.

    However, Jerry N., makes me think of Fat Bastard, in the Austin Powers movies.


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