Jerry Sandusky Resentenced to 30 to 60 Years, Same as Before – IOTW Report

Jerry Sandusky Resentenced to 30 to 60 Years, Same as Before

BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) — A judge dashed the hopes of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky for a shorter prison term Friday, resentencing him to the same 30-to-60-year term imposed against him in 2012 for sexually abusing children. more

8 Comments on Jerry Sandusky Resentenced to 30 to 60 Years, Same as Before

  1. After Civil War II guys like this won’t make it to court.
    If Lazlo the youngest told me of some guy like this pestering him, I’d take the offender out in the desert and give him the Yaqui Indian treatment for traitors and cowards

  2. …good. Now do Biden…

    …and Bill, and Hil, and “Obama”, and Schumer, and Pelosi, and Schiff, and Nadler, and Romney, and every OTHER Democrat, past and present, who ever molested, mutilated, corrupted, or murdered a child, promoted legislation enabling child molestation, mutilation, corruption, and murder, covered UP for a Democrat who committed child molestation, mutilation, corruption, and murder, and has illegally imported entire POPULATIONS committed as an article of FAITH to child molestation, mutilation, corruption, and murder…that’s pretty much ALL Democrats.

    To the prison.

    Then to the gallows.

    Jerry Sandusky? He’s the symptom. The disease goes merrily ON, gleefully persecuting and trying to impeach the Doctor that’s working to REMOVE it, one cell at a time, and it’s time we helped that Doctor bring the RADIATION to that Capitol Hill Cancer, or they WILL make MILLIONS of Jerry Sanduskys totally “legal”; in SOME places, they already ARE…

    …it’s coming.

    Be ready.

  3. He didn’t doo nothing the President of PSU hadn’t condoned at the time (Mr. Spanier was a sexologist who openly promoted a little bit of sodomy can go a long way toward healthy sexuality don’t believe me – research the guy.)


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