Jesse Jackson Declares the U.S. the Most Violent Nation on Earth – IOTW Report

Jesse Jackson Declares the U.S. the Most Violent Nation on Earth

Not even close, Bozo.

I’ve always maintained that Jesse Jackson was an idiot, having an IQ that is probably in the Maxine Waters vicinity. The guy is a mumblemouth that routinely boxes himself into dead end sentences that communicate gibberish.

Now he’s a statistician. He’s run the numbers and he’s declared the United States the most violent nation.

Actually, the country with the highest number of gun related homicides per capita is Honduras. Then comes Venezuela. Then Swaziland. Then Jamaica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Philippines, South Africa, WHERE ARE THE WHITE PEOPLE??? Mexico, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Peru, Nicaragua, United States….

I wonder where the U.S. would be if we removed the gun related deaths when the gun was fired by a non-white person.


32 Comments on Jesse Jackson Declares the U.S. the Most Violent Nation on Earth

  1. Always analyze Jackson’s actions or statements prefaced with”show me the money,” and you’ll come to understand what he’s trying (lying) to do.

    He’s shilling for something with these stats from the Maxine Waters school of Ebonics/Economics/Histrionics.

  2. Whut? POS need more money?

    I’m sure we could drum up some violence for him, right out of Byrd’s KKK handbook.

    How bout start with a hickory shampoo?

    A Kennedy lake driving lesson?

  3. ….and who are the most violent in America?

    A question he doesn’t want to answer. Just use the old VAGUE language technique of blaming “America” for all black people’s self-inflicted problems.

  4. This is about as good an article you will find. The government intentionally combines white and Hispanic crime rates in order to hide the enormous difference in crime rates among whites, Hispanics and blacks. Some cities do break out crime by race and the difference is enormous. Another place to look is the prison population where the government is required to report the race of those incarcerated.

    I wonder where the U.S. would be if we removed the gun related deaths when the gun was fired by a non-white person.

    The white murder offender rate (as well armed as we are) is lower than Europe’s, even before the mass importation of jihad.

    The Color of Crime, 2016 Revised Edition

  5. As for Dr. Jesse Jackson’s (PhD BS) home town, the above article states:

    In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.

    No wonder he feels relieved when he hears the sounds of footsteps behind him and finds out it is a white person.

  6. If one goes into the democrat created and controlled neighborhoods that Jesse hangs out in, he may well be right. There is a fix for that. Stop enabling the violence and deal with it openly, honestly and head on.

  7. Another cry from the deep dark annuals of history from a now irrelevant attention whore pleading for notice. No Jessie, you and your opinion do not matter anymore. STFU.

  8. We’ve had no violence in our house. But there’s plenty guns and ammo for decades. Go figure.
    Christian-ethic, committed two-parent family might be a factor.

    Self-serving, hypocrite Jackson is no revrun. He needs to go far away.

  9. Sooo … why you here?
    Pack up your shit – and go to that African, Asian, European, or South American Utopia.
    We ain’t gonna miss ya.


    izlamo delenda est …

  10. According to Wikipedia, Jesse Jackson was born in Greenville, South Carolina, to Helen Burns (1924–2015), a 16-year-old high school student, and her 33-year-old married neighbor, Noah Louis Robinson (1908-1997).

    So that means anyone who calls Jesse a “Black bastard” can’t be sued for slander.


  11. Jesse and his lunatic son are very violent, thats for sure. Beating women and having babies with multiple different womens, and sexualy harassing underlings both male and female. Thats why the crazy one is in prison now.

  12. Me and a good buddy came up with a drinking game many years ago. While listening to Jesse, if you could understand 2 or more words in succession, you had to drink a shot. We stopped playing when we stayed stone cold sober.

  13. If Democrats would just stop shooting other Democrats in places like Chicago, Baltimore, and D.C., the number of gun related crimes in this country would plummet.

  14. Ol’ bruthuh Jesse mus’ not know ’bout DOJ-BJS crime statistics whut sho dat yung bleck males commit ’bout 55% uhv all vilent crahmes in da USA ehn 80+% uhv all murders. Eff yew tek dem numbers out, de USA has one uhv da lowest murder ehn vilent crahme nummuhs in de hol worl


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