Jesse Jackson Jr.’s 6-figure government payout under scrutiny – IOTW Report

Jesse Jackson Jr.’s 6-figure government payout under scrutiny

WaExaminer: A government ethics expert wants the federal government to investigate former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.’s $138,000-a-year payout from a combination of worker’s compensation and Social Security disability benefits.

The Chicago Tribune reported Jackson receives $100,000 per year in worker’s compensation benefits because he has bipolar disorder and depression and another $38,400 per year in disability benefits. Craig Holman, from the watchdog group Public Citizen, called that amount of money “breathtaking” for a former congressman.


22 Comments on Jesse Jackson Jr.’s 6-figure government payout under scrutiny

  1. It’s rampant in the black community and to think this fcuktard is only like 50. We should have just given this blackstavist 40 acres, now where up against 40 years of paying for his worthless ass!

    It’s like he just signed a $5MM contract with the NFL!

  2. Fraud!

    I have learned that I am grateful for my struggles to learn and earn my own living. I don’t feel like I need to belong to a herd or rely on other people to take care of me and make me feel justified.

    Being able to take care of yourself is very liberating. This guy is still a slave.

  3. Grrrrrr. I remember when I made $138k a year for busting my ass day and night. Not for being a layabout nigger gaming the system.

    Bipolar? What does that even mean? It’s psychobabble. Disabled? I’d be happy to help you earn that designation.

    Honestly. This is another example of why Trump won. Shake these frauds out of bushes and put them behind a wheelbarrow.

  4. I’m beginning to question the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln.

    Suppose the states separated, American industrialization never happened and the Germans conquered the world.

  5. This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil! He can keep the money, but it cost him his soul and he doesn’t even know it yet. And you can’t buy it back. Ever.

  6. Until MANY blacks rise up to denounce this shit (even once), they’ll be niggers to me and I will always distance myself from them. No one in my family had slaves, I don’t owe them jack shit and that this bs is ok with them makes them people with whom I wouldn’t waste a minute
    (wasn’t JJ jr supposed to go to jail?)

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